Chapter 3 :- Just a famous face

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"Almost everybody is born a genius and buried an idiot."
~ Charles Bukowski

Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want — 2011 Remastered By The Smiths & Memories by Conan Grey & nada contra (ciúme) by Clarissa.


Just a famous face

"Corvina!" A paced chanting of my name.

"NO!" I could sense the yellow lights turning on and off. 

The forced arms of someone were lifting me up. As long as I only knew that the car had turned upside down.


"Declan, Stop it—

I stopped hearing. Maybe it was the last seven minutes of your life. I let myself lose in a motion that If it's Either I'm gonna get my eye sight back or to sleep forever.

The yellow blinking light of that crooked car was going away like a fling. It started turning into some red and blue as there was a blank space.

I couldn't feel anything. Numb. The utter darkness was probably spreading as I sensed I was moving away. In a bed. Like flying. The gross of voice was the wheels. It was a stretcher. There were strangers shouting and running for a patient.


"We cannot save the boy."

I heard. I was alive. Breathing. "CHUCK." I became stronger.

"She's perfectly fine; was it an accident?" Some other blue colours were watchable from my little puffy eyes.

"She has killed someone—


Thud. A sound. Cracking familiar voices. Chill on my shoulders and sweat around my body. Someone is in my house.

"Col!" Said a voice. I was trying hard to open my eyes but all in vain. "Corvina! Wake up dear. It's 10 in the morning!" I could finally see the vision of black swan on the opposite wall. The door of my room was locked. I struggled to find the remote to remove the lock of that.

I can see a lady with mid length hair wrapped all in the point of blue leathers.

"Mum!" I called her with my sore throat. She got held all over me within a minute of kissing my head and rubbing my back. That's what mother's love for.

"Good Mornings Child!" She set up the curtain for more sunlight as my apartment was quite dark.

"When did you arrive?"

"9 O'clock." She replied.

I was in deep breath thinking the unthinkable. "You could have at least called me. I'll—

"I tried but you weren't picking up your phone. Anyways I had your extra keys with me so I drove away."

"Mumma, You're a famous face. The public might've given you an edgy time reaching here." I added.

"Oh Honey. I'm not alone. I've brought security with me too!" She answered. I saw two of the guards were standing on either side of my room's door. I reached out to dig more. Therefore I placed my cold feet in the living area. There were more than two guards pacing outside the main door. Each of them had a hidden gun inside their own pockets.


"Eh!" I didn't have words to speak about. But I remembered that I hadn't put my bottles in their place last night. That might be the hint for her to lecture me.

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