Chapter 9 :- Abandoned elysian

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"I am a cage, in search of a bird."
~Franz Kafka

Keep Driving by Harry Styles & Royals by Lorde.


Abandoned elysian


Is this what a bodyguard deserves; I thought.

"Crazy woman!" I pelted my hands on someday's car. No need to mention, I had to call Jackson Immediately. "Jack!"

"Hey, how's it going with Wilson!" He was eager to hear trust me.

"Better not to ask. She just left me in a parking lot Jackson. And I don't have any fucking vehicle to drive back to her."

"Woah woah, Man—

"Hey just don't tell anyone. I don't wanna mess it up again with Ralph. Just get me a car already!" The hover in my voice makes me weak therefore the rushing anxiety was all I had for my job.

"I can't send it like that Alton. You know that. Book a cab gentleman, okay. I have to go now. I'll send her location to you." Like a jeopardy there he hung up on me.

So brightly brilliant. I turned on the mobile phone it was sunny light to check up on some bloody car app. The nearest cab will take ten minutes to reach. Reaching on a conclusion; the lady I was dropped for must be driving at highest on her speed. If this incident went to her mother somehow and then to Ralph, I'm literally on top to loose everything.

I was crimping outside the police station like a bad criminal have just gotten out on a bail. The mind of mine was processing everything as the taxi was arriving. And it made me crippled to even think that I'm indirectly in trouble. The fountain of words Wilson said back in there was definitely not for a show. I was playing with fire and this time I have no gasket left because I'm carrying the kerosene by myself. Ironic.

Thankfully the taxi was fast enough to drive. Now heading to her biggest company is definitely a problem for me. What if she'll throw another tantrum at me. God. Just a couple of few hours with her and she's already blowing my mind.

Ah. Elysian heights; surrounded by trees and cars. The large pile of glass windows and doors was shining like a diamond. The structure of an enormous building with a grip of the sky was holding multiple people's future; like a republic analysis. Employers working nonstop. Even their security seems like some territory leader coming to look on. A true Elysian ruling by a Devil.

I reached out to the security, "Uh, excuse I'm here for Miss Wilson—

"No visitors hours at this time." He replied immediately.

"I'm not a visitor; I'm her bodyguard so please detect me in the direction!" I commanded him as I was the bodyguard of Corvina Wilson herself.

"Claiming yourself her bodyguard won't make me believe unless she'd say that. So step down young blood." The attitude of that man was taking my minutes outta my work.

"Listen to me, I'm her bodyguard; please let me do my job."

"I know people like you; dressed up in a suit or tuxedo and bringing out attention to Miss Wilson. Take the appointment before meeting her, Man!"

"Aren't you hearing what I am saying, Old man? I said I'm her Bodyguard; Alton Collins. Check on your damn list for god's sake."

He disbelieves me. The infrastructure of his department was definitely pissed as he told me, "Let me check." He informed me and opened his big tablet from his little pocket. He looked suspicious before checking on it. "Stay here; don't move."

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