Part 3 | Well, I Mean It

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The next morning, San woke up slowly. His hair was a tangled mess, and he was still wearing the same outfit as the day before. His head throbbed in protest as he attempted to sit up on the bed.

A tall figure entered the room, and San recognized it as Mingi. "Ya, you almost caused us a big problem yesterday," Mingi scolded, sitting down beside San on the bed.

"I-I can't remember shit..." San winced as he felt a pang of pain in his right cheek. "Ow-ow... What is this? Did I get into a fight?" San gingerly touched the swollen, red area.

"Oh, you said that right – you punched a guy out cold yesterday," Mingi scoffed. "And he happens to be Wooyoung's boyfriend, I presume. He was furious, asking why you were with Wooyoung. Did you drunk-call him? You said that you just wanted fresh air, but you ended up two blocks away," Mingi continued scolding San. "We were all out looking for you, Seonghwa hyung was on the verge of tears, fearing something terrible might have happened to you."

San sat up straighter, covering his eyes with both hands. He struggled to recall the events of the previous night. The realization that he might have punched Wooyoung's boyfriend startled him. Wooyoung had a boyfriend? San was taken aback by that revelation.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" Mingi's frown deepened. "I-I'm sorry... I need to apologize to all of you... I'm really sorry," San expressed his remorse for causing trouble to his bandmates.

"You're lucky the guy let you go. Maybe it's because you weren't the only one throwing punches; he hit you first," Mingi added, looking away.

Seonghwa walked into the room, noticing that San is awake. He approach with concern, his fingers gently touching San's face. "San, how's your cheek? Does it still hurt?" Seonghwa's eyes focused on the red bruise on San's face. "N-No, it's not too bad. I'm fine... I'm really sorry for causing all this trouble," San responded.

"It's not entirely your fault. Jongho was the one egging you on to drink so much last night. He didn't realize you're not used to alcohol," Seonghwa reassured, patting San's head. San felt a mix of annoyance and amusement towards Jongho. "Well, at least things are sorted now," San said with an innocent smile, raising both of his hands.

"You still owe Wooyoung an apology, though," Mingi interjected. San's eyes widened as he remembered the trouble he had caused Wooyoung. "I'll call him right away," San said, searching for his phone. "You better," Mingi scoffed before leaving the room.


"Woo? Woo, are you in there?" Yeosang knocked on Wooyoung's door, growing concerned. It was nearly noon, and he hadn't seen his best friend yet. This was unusual; Wooyoung was usually the one knocking on his door in the mornings. Yeosang continued knocking, a sense of worry growing. "Woo, we're going to be late for class." Frustrated, he tried to turn the doorknob, and to his surprise, it wasn't locked.

"Wo-woo? Wooyoung-ah," Yeosang's heart raced as he saw a figure curled up under the blanket. He noticed a faint sniffle, and concern washed over him. "Woo? Are you okay? Hey, what happened?" Gently pulling back the blanket, Yeosang focused on Wooyoung's face and saw that he was crying in his sleep. Slowly waking Wooyoung, his heart sank as he saw his best friend in such a distressed state.

Wooyoung's eyes fluttered open, his eyes still brimming with tears, and the redness evident. "Yeo... I... I'm breaking up with Jisuk," Wooyoung's voice barely audible, choked with emotion. Yeosang let out a soft sigh, a mix of relief and concerned expression. He had hoped for this outcome, but seeing Wooyoung so broken also hurt his heart.

"It's okay, Woo. Did he come here last night?" Yeosang's hand moved to gently caress Wooyoung's forehead. "He didn't hurt you anywhere, right?" His eyes scanned Wooyoung's body for any signs of harm.

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