Part 6 | Loser

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The turnout for this show wasn't as massive as the previous one due to the smaller venue, but a substantial crowd still gathered to witness the band's performance. Among the spectators were both regular club-goers and newcomers curious to experience their music. "Yo it's been a while since the three of us went to club!" Yunho can't hide his excitement.

Approaching the reception area, they were guided to their designated table that they've booked before. After ordering a couple of bottles, they settled in, eagerly awaiting the start of the show. Despite a few individuals in the crowd already showing signs of drunkenness and the DJ energetically setting the mood, all eyes were fixed on the upcoming main performance by Ateez, the emerging band slated to take the stage that night.

A figure wearing a black cap made his way to their table. "I'm really glad you guys could make it," San said with a smile, shifting his gaze from Woo to his companions.

Yeosang was quick to introduce himself, raising his glass in a toast. "Whoa, San! Pleasure to meet you. I'm Yeosang, Wooyoung's best friend," he greeted, his whiskey glass held up in a friendly gesture. Yunho chimed in, "I'm Yunho, also one of his closest friends."

San couldn't resist playfully teasing, "Well, I wish I could be his best friend too," winking at Wooyoung. Wooyoung responded with an eye roll, clearly unimpressed. Yunho patted San on the back in a friendly manner.

"Hey, I'll catch you guys backstage. And also, those drinks are on me!" San exclaimed, raising his glass once again and sharing cheers with Yunho and Yeosang. Wooyoung calmly observed the trio's interaction and smiled. San stole a glance and raised his eyebrow at Wooyoung before excusing himself, making his way to the backstage area to prepare for the upcoming performance.

"Let's just enjoy the show and head home, shall we?" he sighed, as if hoping for a more relaxed and drama-free evening.


Loud cheering could be heard as the band members stood in the middle of the stage. "Are you guys ready to have fun?" Jongho, the vocalist, shouted loudly, hyping the fans. The first song began, a high-energy beat that showcased all the members' skills. "Go Mingi!" Jongho exclaimed, pointing at Mingi, who skillfully played the drums. "Woah, he's really good," Yunho noted. "Everyone in this group is amazing! Woohoo! Let's go, Jongho!" Yeosang exclaimed as Jongho hit the high notes. Wooyoung watched the performance, clearly captivated. However, he couldn't deny that his gaze was fixed on San. San noticed Wooyoung looking at him, and he met his eye, offering a smile before continuing to jam on his bass guitar.

"He's so cool for what," Wooyoung mumbled slowly, while Yunho and Yeosang noticed that their best friend was entirely focused on San. "How about we have more drinks? Cheers!" Yunho and Yeosang suggested, attempting to down more glasses of whiskey. The three of them indulged in the whiskey.

Seonghwa stepped forward, holding the mic. "Actually, for tonight's show, we have a very special performance by our newest member," Seonghwa said, glancing at the shy San.

"He's actually pretty good at singing too. Give it up for San!" Seonghwa ushered San into the spotlight, handing him his acoustic guitar.

San hesitantly held the mic. "Well, for this special performance, I'd like to sing a cover of 'Loser' by Charlie Puth, and this is actually a song I want to dedicate to my 'friend,'" San announced. The crowd responded with enthusiastic sounds of approval. As San sang, his gaze gradually met Wooyoung's.

 As San sang, his gaze gradually met Wooyoung's

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