Part 8 | Hurt

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San, where have you been? Why are your eyes red?" Wooyoung asked, looking concerned as he examined San's face.

"I'm fine; my eyes just caught some dust," San replied, trying to hide the traces of his tears. Wooyoung handed him a tissue, saying, "Be careful, babe."

San was relieved that Wooyoung didn't notice he had been crying. Changing the topic, he asked, "So, where are we going next? Shall we grab dinner?"

"Okay, I know a great tteokbokki restaurant nearby, my treat!" Wooyoung suggested with enthusiasm.

"Let's go then," San agreed, and they set off for the restaurant.

"It's been a while since I've eaten tteokbokki here," Wooyoung remarked, a touch of nostalgia in his voice. "It always reminds me of my mom's cooking."

"Your mom used to cook for you?" San ask him, stirring his tteokbokki bowl.

"Yeah, when I used to live with my parents, my mom always cooked for our family. Her cooking was always the best," Wooyoung reminisced, a fond smile on his face.

"Seems like a happy family," San chuckled, his gaze softening. Wooyoung asked, "Tell me about your family too! I bet you have a beautiful mom because her son is so handsome."

San smiled and said with soft expression "My mom passed away about seven years ago". Wooyoung stopped munching, his expression filled with sympathy. "Sorry, I didn't know,"

"It's okay, Woo. It's been a while already. Then, two years later, my father remarried, and he married Seonghwa hyung's mom. Since then, we became brothers," San explained.

"It must be fun to have brothers! I have a little sister, she's a pain in the ass. It's great that you seem so close with Seonghwa hyung," Wooyoung said excitedly.

"Well, pretty much. He's been my inspiration, got me into music. Seonghwa hyung is very passionate and a great artist," San eyes gleam with admiration everytime he talking about Seonghwa.

Wooyoung asked, "How about your father?" San's shifting his gaze , "You don't want to know about him. He's not a good father."
Wooyoung wanted to ask more, but he sensed that San didn't really want to talk about his father. "Anyway, I'm happy to know more about you," San smiled, feeding Wooyoung a meatball. Wooyoung nodded and give a big smile.


"I will pay for the meal this time," Wooyoung insisted as he reached for the bill.

"No, no, In our relationship, you'll never need to take out your wallet.I'll pay for everything," San quickly took away the bill from Wooyoung's hand and placed the cash on the tray.

"Come on, we can split the bill. I don't want to be a burden," Wooyoung whined.

"You are not a burden, and you'll never be," San assured him with a warm smile. "I'm sorry I can only treat you to a small restaurant like this; I really wanted to take you to a fancier place," San pouted.

"Hey, don't go broke for me, okay? I'm happy as long as there's food and you," Wooyoung laughed.

"Baby, I promise you, I'll win the audition and become successful enough to buy the world for you," San said, gazing into Wooyoung's eyes.

"You're great with your words. Did your past lovers fell for these sweet words too?" Wooyoung teased San.

San rolled his eyes and muttered, "Most of the time." teasing Wooyoung back. "Ugh, Mr. Playboy." Wooyoung said as he hit San's chest.
"Now, should we go back to our dorm now?" Wooyoung looking at San with puppy eyes.

"If that what you want Baby, so you can't wait for the dessert huh" San smirked. Wooyoung flushed red, and San chuckled, satisfied with his reaction.


San lay awake, wrestling with a dilemma. He had promised Seonghwa to stick with their plan, yet he found himself teetering on the edge. He's aware that he has been playing with fire. He knew, if his father ever find out that he's dating a boy, it will be over for him, and he might endangered Wooyoung too. He dated several times with both boys and girls but never been serious about it since it was always a one night thing, so that his dad wont find out. Failing his band was definetly not an option, yet he is too in love to leave Wooyoung. It was the first time he had felt this strongly about someone, but the timing was all wrong.

He glanced at Wooyoung beside him, his heart aching at the thought of leaving him.

"Morning, Sannie," Wooyoung yawned, noticing San's gaze.

"Hey, babe," San replied with a warm smile, gently holding Wooyoung's hand.

"I'm grateful you're here," Wooyoung grinned, his beautiful smile lighting up the room. San chuckled, getting butterflies just from looking at him.

"I wish I could stay here forever," San whispered.

"Then stay, you can stay here as long as you like." as Wooyoung snuggled closer.

San's chest grew heavy, knowing he might have to make a tough decision.

Just when things seemed challenging enough, San's phone rang – his father calling.

He reluctantly got out of bed, signaling to Wooyoung that he had to take the call outside.

San prepared himself, pulling out a cigarette, a habit he'd been trying to quit but felt the need to calm his nerves before answering. "Dad. How did you get my number?" San tried to sound composed, though his heart raced whenever his father called.

"Well, how could a father not know his son's number?" his dad chuckled. San, unimpressed, asked, "What do you want this time? I still have three months left, and we've already secured the audition..."

His father cut him off, "Audition from X Entertainment? Yeah, I know. But you won't be attending any audition. I've arranged an engagement for you, with my friend's beautiful daughter."

San's heart sank. "What? How? You promised me..."

"I said that because you wouldn't stop talking about your silly band stuff. Did you really think I'd let you throw away your future so easily?"

San is in shock, tears welled up in his eyes. "Dad, you can't do this to me. You made a promise." he starts crying, his voice trembled.

"It's your choice. You can let your band audition by doing what I said, or I can make a few calls and ensure the audition is canceled. It's simple for me." His father remains firm.

San, trembling, knew his father might interfere with the audition, with his money, connection and power, it wasn't hard for him to get everything under his command.

San sighed deeply, his gaze turns fierce.
"Fine. I'll do it. But don't ruin the audition, and don't involve Seonghwa hyung, he'll still go."

"So I expect to meet you in three days in my office." His father hung up, leaving San feeling broken and angry.

He punched the wall in frustration, realizing how naive he had been to believe his father's promises.

Meanwhile, Wooyoung noticed that San hadn't returned since taking the call. Concerned, he crawled out of bed and opened the door to search for San, but San had already left.

I got a severe cold so I can't update much :' thank u for reading! dont forget to votee

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