Part 12 | Fate

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I guess I'll see you on another day, Woo. I assume you need time to resolve.. Don't have to tell me anything, but I am all ears for your stories. Just tell me If you need me. --- Jimin

Wooyoung closed his phone, grateful that Jimin had left his dorm. It felt like the right move; having Jimin around wouldn't have been ideal at the moment, and he appreciated Jimin's understanding.

But now, all he felt was the void in his heart that San had created. Everything – his feelings, San – it all felt like it had vanished. He felt numb, even though nothing had happened that night at the club, all of it wont matter. The only thing that mattered now was that San was gone, and they could never be together.

As for the reason? Well, it didn't seem important anymore. San seemed to only care about himself, never considering how Wooyoung felt. He made decisions without involving Wooyoung, neglecting his feelings. Only left him feeling yet again played, and defeated. It was all a fairy tale dream after all.

All Wooyoung had to do was move on, like he always did.


"Just end this quickly," San said to his dad firmly, his voice echoing in the spacious office.

His dad barely spared him a glance, his attention seemingly consumed by the documents on his desk. "I appreciate your willingness to comply. Fine, the marriage will end in a year."

"A year is too long. Six months," San insisted, his gaze unwavering as he met his father's eyes.

His dad finally looked at him, his gaze piercing. "You still think you can negotiate with me? You're useless. You think you can run this company? This is all I need you to do. One year, and that's final."

With that, his dad stormed out, leaving San alone in his office, feeling defeated. The silence was suffocating, broken only by the distant sound of traffic outside.

San returned home and rushed to his room, the familiar scent of home enveloping him as he entered. "I miss you, Mom," he said softly, looking at her portrait. With no one to comfort him, he longed for his mother's affection.

He finally let go all of his emotions, regretting everything he had done to Wooyoung.

Wooyoung was right; he had only made things worse. San had never felt so worthless in his life. He felt sick to his stomach, longing for one thing: Wooyoung.


Weeks passed with no contact from San. Wooyoung learned everything from Seonghwa; he spilled all the details. But it didn't matter now – San was gone, perhaps already involved with someone else.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault San's in this mess... I should have stopped him," Seonghwa said, unable to meet Wooyoung's eyes. The air between them felt heavy with unspoken emotions.

"It's not anyone's fault," Wooyoung replied weakly, his gaze drifting to the window. "Hey, It's fine.. I'm happy now, and congrats on the audition! You'll be debuting soon!" His attempt to change the subject hung in the air, the words feeling inadequate.

"Thanks, Wooyoung.. do you really willing to forget about him?" Seonghwa reassured, his voice tinged with concern.

"Don't worry, hyung. There's nothing left between us. Besides, he's getting married," Wooyoung said, forcing a laugh. Yet every piece of his heart still belonged to Choi San, a fact he couldn't deny no matter how hard he tried. Things still left unsettled and make it harder for him of them to accept it, when he finally find the shelter he need, the universe took him away. What a bad situation, what a strange fate he must endure.

"There has to be a way," Seonghwa insisted, his eyes searching Wooyoung's for any sign of hope. "He wants a quick divorce; the marriage is just for business."

Wooyoung smiled weakly, his thoughts elsewhere. "I'm okay, hyung. I can't lie and say I don't love him anymore, but I'm fine on my own now." His words felt hollow, a façade to mask the ache in his heart.

"Just let me know if you need anything," Seonghwa said, patting Wooyoung's hand. "Thanks, and good luck to you."


It was just another day for Wooyoung, a week after his conversation with Seonghwa. He occasionally helped Jimin at the cafe, finding it a good distraction.

Jimin was pleased to see Wooyoung back to his old self, happily interacting with customers. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the laughter of patrons.

"You seem happier lately," Jimin remarked, approaching him with a smile. The warmth in his eyes was genuine, a welcome sight amidst Wooyoung's turmoil.

"It's all thanks to you guys, keeping my spirits up," Wooyoung replied, smiling as he counted money. The clinking of coins and rustling of bills provided a comforting soundtrack to the bustling cafe.

"I'm just glad you're doing well," Jimin said, playfully ruffling Wooyoung's hair.

"Hey, I just got it styled!" Wooyoung protested, trying to fix his hair. "Well, I don't like you being this handsome and attracting more fans each day," Jimin teased. The familiarity of their routine was a source of comfort for Wooyoung.

Wooyoung chuckled, "Thanks, but I'm not ready for a relationship right now," he said,

"I know, and you better not waiting for 'that jerk', right? I don't like him much," Jimin scoffed, his tone protective.

"Don't worry... I probably won't ever see him again," Wooyoung said, though the words felt hollow even to his own ears. He forced a smile, hoping to convince himself as much as Jimin. Yet beneath the facade of reassurance, uncertainty gnawed at his thoughts, casting a shadow over his newfound sense of peace.
However, fate had a cruel sense of humor.

As the shift drew to a close, a familiar figure standing before them,

a sight Wooyoung had hoped to avoid at all costs.

Choi San.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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