Part 11 | Goodbye

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I'm so sorry for late updates! I hope u guys still interested on the story 😔 Thank you for reading :3 please leave a comment and vote~


Wooyoung's body stiffened as he glanced at Jimin. It was clear that Jimin wasn't joking with him.

"What do you mean?" Wooyoung was clearly confused. It was unbelieavable since Wooyoung was sure that Jimin never genuinely interested in him in that way, even since back then.

"You know, I've always found you cute, and you're definitely better than my ex," Jimin mused, gazing at the ceiling and then smiling at Wooyoung.

"Oh... I see. So, it's all in the past, right?" Wooyoung tried to maintain his calm, concealing the rapid beating of his heart. How does he properly react to a confession from a past crush?

Rather than answering the question, Jimin remained silent, maintaining his smug smile. The atmosphere became incredibly awkward as they finished their meal. Finally they were done, and Jimin paid the bill. Avoiding further awkward moments, Wooyoung quickly say goodbye.

"I'll get going now. Thank you so much, hyung," still avoiding eye contact with Jimin.

"Oh, right. Can I follow you back to your dorm? I want to pay Yeosang a visit as well. You live in the same dorm, right?"

Wooyoung sighed – Not this again... "Ah, maybe next time? Yeosang has a private tutoring session," he lied.

"But he told me to just come. I just chatted with him," Jimin said innocently.

Wooyoung couldn't refuse, so he reluctantly agreed with a smile. "Sure, let's go then!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly, following Wooyoung to the parking lot where Wooyoung had parked his bike.

"Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen you," Jimin commented, patting the bike. It was Jimin who actually influenced Wooyoung to get the motorcycle. "Can I give it a ride? Like the good old days!" Jimin said enthusiastically. Wooyoung just gave in and handed him a helmet.

"Hold on tight," Jimin said, Woo hesitantly holding onto Jimin's waist as they rode back to the dorm.


San still lay in bed, unable to focus, his thoughts consumed by Wooyoung. Memories of their time together, especially the nights when he could hold Wooyoung, overwhelmed him. He never expected to miss him so intensely. San groaned and got out of bed.

"I can't... I want to see him," San realized he truly wanted to see Wooyoung. He looked for a reason to see him one last time. "Ah, I should apologize for that night," San remembered. He should have done it sooner.

He took a quick shower, dressed up, and hailed a taxi, heading towards Wooyoung's dorm. He wasn't entirely sure if Wooyoung would still be there, but he was determined to wait.

Arriving at the front lobby, San made his way to Wooyoung's room, but it was empty. He knocked twice, but there was no response.

"He's not here yet," San heard a voice behind him. It was Yeosang, leaning against the door beside Wooyoung's room. "Maybe he'll be back soon. You can wait in my room," Yeosang suggested. San silently followed Yeosang inside.

Both of them sitting on the bed, as Yeosang suddenly darted San with question, "So... what business do you have left with my best friend, San?" Yeosang ask, crossing his arms. He was well aware that San was the cause of Wooyoung's heartbreak.

San bit his lip and replied, "Clearly, I want to apologize." Yeosang nodded, "You're too late, but fine."

"Is this fun for you? Breaking his heart? Is he just another person to you?" Yeosang couldn't contain his anger.

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