Part 5 | Friends

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As the soft morning light gently filtered through the curtains, the room began to warm, waking up Wooyoung from his slumber. He blinked open his eyes, the world slowly coming into focus. Beside him lay San, still lost in his peaceful sleep, shirtless.

"Shit..When did I become so easily swayed by someone?" Wooyoung said as it wasn't like him to give in to someone, he rarely let emotions make him jump into a making-out session. Yet there he was, on his bed, lying beside someone who was practically a stranger he just met two days ago. His gaze lingered on San, an urge to brush aside the stray hair that covered his face tingling in his fingers. He leaned closer, conflicted by his feelings. Yes, he did like San, but it felt too impulsive to leap into a new relationship after his recent breakup. Perhaps he was using San as a way to escape and distract him from his still-broken heart.

"Wooyoung-ah," San's voice gently broke through Wooyoung who was still lost in his thoughts, bringing him back to reality. Letting out a sleepy yawn, San was looking at Wooyoung who clearly had a clouded expression. "I think I have to tell you something," Wooyoung chough, clearing his throat. San rose from the bed and made his way to Wooyoung, tenderly tucking away a strand of Wooyoung's dark hair.

Their eyes locked, and Wooyoung hesitated before confessing, "I'm worried we might be rushing into things too quickly. I mean, I just ended things with my ex two days ago." Wooyoung's voice was filled with guilt. San turned away, grabbed his black shirt that was laying on the floor, and started to button it up.

Smoothing out his shirt, San replied, "We don't have to define anything, Woo." His words left Wooyoung puzzled. Before he could process it all, San continued, "If you want, we can just be friends." And just like that, the possibility of more seemed to slip away.

Did that mean this was just a one-night stand? Wooyoung's heart sank, "Well, friends it is then," he managed to say, masking his disappointment as he looked to the floor and then back at San. "Sure thing," San responded, the air thickening with an awkward tension. This was an answer that surely wasn't what Wooyoung was expecting.

San excused himself, the moment suddenly heavy. Wooyoung nodded, opening the door for him. "Thanks, Woo. It's been amazing, and I genuinely mean it about us being friends, if that's something we can do," San said lightly. "Noted," Wooyoung replied curtly as San left the room.

As the door closed, Wooyoung exhaled heavily. What had he expected? A full-blown relationship with a band member? It must be easy for him to get laid, isn't this part of his lifestyle? "Guess I should've never taken this too seriously," Wooyoung muttered, letting the realization wash over him like a bittersweet tide.


"I have a strong feeling that a renowned producer will be in the audience on tomorrow's show." Hongjoong said in front of the band members. Mingi couldn't help but chuckle and retorted, "You've said that before, but reality doesn't always align." Unfazed, Hongjoong stood his ground, "Trust me, this time it's different."

Seonghwa, gently tapped on Hongjoong's shoulder, "Let's just focus on giving our best performance, just as we always do, and making sure the audience has a great time." He caught a glimpse of desperation in Hongjoong's eyes and added," Remember, we should savor the present."

Jongho chimed in playfully, "Who needs a producer anyway? We've been growing our fanbase steadily since San joined the band. Maybe we should just embrace being an indie band." San rolled his eyes and sarcastically mused, "Yeah because I contribute so much." Seonghwa put his hand around his younger stepbrother's broad shoulder. "Thank you for doing this with me, San" Seonghwa looked proudly at San. San's smile shone brightly as he replied, "Of course, Hyung"

With unity in their hearts, they began to practice once again, with Hongjoong setting the tempo as the music filled the air.


The next day, Wooyoung having lunch with Yeosang and Yunho,. "Hey, did you hear? The band's set to perform at Dragon's Club tomorrow. Wanna join me, Woo?" Yeosang nudged Wooyoung playfully. Wooyoung, replied, "I appreciate the offer, but I don't think I'm up for it this time."

Yeosang's face fell, but he quickly rebounded with excitement. "Ah, too bad! Didn't you become pals with San? Imagine getting backstage passes, Woo!" He turned to Yunho, who was eating his burger peacefully. "Yunho, you've been talking about wanting to witness the drummer's skills. Now's your chance!"

With a grin, Yunho replied, "They say he's good, but you know, I've got some skills up my sleeve too." Yunho's confidence was infectious. Yeosang wasn't ready to give up, though. "Come on, Woo. Tomorrow's wide open for you. Just come with us!"

Right at that moment, Wooyoung's phone rang, and San's name appeared on the screen. Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat as he answered, "Hello, San..." His friends stared at him, clearly intrigued by the call.

San's voice came through the phone. "Hey, so.. we've got a show at Dragons tomorrow. Would you be up for coming? You could bring your best friend too. I'll take you guys to meet the members. I'm sure he'd love to meet Jongho in person."

Before Wooyoung could respond, Yeosang took the initiative. Leaning over, he exclaimed into the phone, "Absolutely! Count us in!" making sure it is heard by San, leaving Wooyoung slightly taken aback. "Great, see you there, guys!" San ended the call before Wooyoung could utter a word.

Yunho was beside himself with excitement. "Yay! Can you believe it, Woo? Your new friend is seriously something!" Meanwhile, Wooyoung scratched his head, "Hey! since when you are being this supportive for San?" Wooyoung said, he could not deny himself feeling annoyed that he was now committed to attending the show and facing San again.

Aaaa sorry for not posting yesterday! I hope you guys are still waiting for the stories!

Next part is a tensed one :b We'll have San's back story 💜 pleaseee do leave a comment and feedback!

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