Part 4 | I Want you

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The taxi is dropping them in front of the dormitory lobby. Wooyoung looking at San, he seems too relaxed, "Hey, don't you want to go back to.. your place?" Wooyoung asked San. "Well, I don't want you to feel lonely on your way back to your room" San said with a grin on his face. "Uh, there is no need for that, I'm not a chi-" before Wooyoung could finish his sentence, San was already grabbing his hand, dragging him in to the elevator.

Wooyoung is shocked from the sudden action. He sighs, realizing that arguing with San might be a useless effort. He can't deny that he also felt the excitement as well, he can feel his heart beating hard as San's hand is still holding his hand. San realized that Wooyoung was embarrassed. He awkwardly let go of Wooyoung's hand.

Wooyoung screams internally as how awkward their situation is, but he decided to keep his composure. He clicked on the number of the floor, and the two of them were waiting in silence in the lift.

San hums a little bit, relaxed. As soon as they are on the right floor, Wooyoung makes his way to his room, and San follows him from behind. "Okay, now thank you very much for escorting me, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor. You can go now..."
Wooyoung said while opening the door lock.

Once the door opened, San pushed him causing both of them forcefully entered Wooyoung's room. San closed the door behind him, "Apparently, I will stay here for a while." San made his mind, looking deep into Wooyoung's eyes. Wooyoung felt a shiver run up his spine, he gulps. San's face is only a few centimeters away from his face. "I really like you, Woo" San said staring deep inside Wooyoung's eyes, suddenly leaning in to kiss Wooyoung's lips. Wooyoung perplexed, his eyes fluttered shut as he let San kiss him. Seeing Wooyoung not rejecting him, San put his hand behind Wooyoung's neck, and he started moving his lips, deepening the kiss. Wooyoung can't think straight, he decides to kiss San back, he can't resist the man. The kiss turns into a heated one, San guides Wooyoung's both hands and rests them on his shoulder. "Woo.. an angel like you should be worshiped" San deep voice slips between his breath, making Woo desperate. San lips trailing down on Wooyoung's neck, cupping them gently. "S-San.." Wooyoung trembles, as San starts to nibble his collarbone. San stops then looking deep into Wooyoung's eyes for a moment, realizing that he wants this man so badly.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

I'm sorry a short chapter I'm quite busy so maybe I'll post longer chapter tomorrow! This is my first time ever to write something like this . Dear readers, do you like the story so far? Please leave a feedback 🖤

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