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(this first chapter starts off in Denver)
No one's pov

The five group of boys talked about past life and goals, they all wanted to share while they walked to the park.

"Hey you guys remember finny?" Billy asked them all.

Robin looked at him, and looked away.

"Of course, how can we not?" Robin replied

"Your right, how can we NOT he was a dumbass" vance rolled his eyes.

"Shut up!" Bruce snapped.

The boys walked past two girls talking and giggling.

"Yeah I heard that one guy finny blake is coming back! Did you see how HOT he is now?!" One of the girls whispered loud enough for the boys to hear.

Robin stopped in his tracks, "wait finn is coming back?" He asked turning to the girls.

"Yeah? Why are you friends with him.." the one girl rolled her eyes, and the other girl hit her. she was obviously afraid Robin would beat the shit out of the both of them.

"Yeah we heard the teachers and principal talking about it, sorry Robin, this hoe is so rude ahaha..." The girl nervously stated.

Robin nodded and walked back to his group.

"Finnys coming back..?" Griffin asked looking at Robin. Robin smiled and nodded "I think"

the group all smiled to themselves, they really hope Finny does come back. its been years.


"Bruce how much money do you have?" Vance asked. "Uhm.....50 dollers" Bruce replied taking the bill out of his pocket. "Can we go to grab n' go?!" Billy whined.

"Mmm no I don't really wanna.." Bruce shrugged.

"WHAT?!" billy screamed. "Bruce Yamada, you are RICH" billy argued.

"Ugh fine, you are such a baby" Bruce agreed.

"Yes!" Billy smiled. "You guys wanna come?", Bruce asked the rest of the boys

"The fuck kind of question is that?? Obviously!" Robin rolled his eyes, the rest agreed while Bruce signed and just started walking to grab n' go.


When the group of boys got there, there was no one in the store, except the cashier.

The group split up around the store and all grabbed a drink and some type of candy or bag of chips. half way through, vance HAD to stop and play pinball. robin had to full on drag vance away.

The group then paid and walked out of the store happily, except for Bruce. considering he payd for everyone. and he knew that no one pay him back, there are pro's and con's of being the mom of the group i guess.

They had decided to sit down on a bench whilst they ate their snacks.

"Would you guys hate me of I was a peanut?" Griffin asked eating a M&M.

"You mean 'eat' you if you were a peanut?" Robin looked at him weirdly.

"No no, I mean hate, like would you guys not want to be friends with me?"

"I would feed you to a blue jay " billy said shrugging.

"Honestly same" Vance agreed.

Griffin's jaw dropped. "Wow you guys are SO mean!" He whined.

"Perks about knowing us" Robin shrugged.

"Fuck you all" Griffin said eating another M&M.

"Hey so if finny is coming back, why?" Bruce asked taking a sip of mountain Dew.

"Oh I don't know, maybe his dad misses this place?" Billy tried his best to answer.

"But why so sudden, it's been five years?" Bruce curiously asked them all. "I have no idea, none of us fucking do" Vance replied.

"Fuck off!" Bruce hit Vance, "I'm going rip you in half..!" Vance yelled at he got up and chased Bruce. "Vance stop stop! Guys help!" Bruce yelled while running for his life.


First chapter! How do we like? Its short but it's a start,

622 words

Reunited -RinnyWhere stories live. Discover now