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(finnys p0v!)

i open the door to our house. this place has some old memories, some good and some horrible. i walk in while Gwen closes the door behind me.

"dad must be gone" she said, pointing to a note on the kitchen counter. he only left notes when he wanted us to do stuff. i really did not feel like cleaning or anything.

i walked towards the note and picked it up, reading the scribbled handwriting.

Finny i want you to clean every dish in this house, some might be dirty from the move. i want you to sweep, clean, and mop the kitchen. i also want you to organize the alcohol cabinet, including the fridge, and every other cabinet. and Gwen i want you to clean the living room, and the both of you, bring in all the furniture and place them like they were a few years ago. i will be home tomorrow evening and everything better be done or else. -dad

great we have to clean, a lot. i sigh and place my bag in a corner. "ugh we have to do this in one day?! i wanted to hang out with Amy and Susie!" Gwen frowned. "whatever lets just get started" i shrug.

"hey i can ask if Amy and Susie can help with cleaning! all though....yeah wait never mind they have a lot of homework" Gwen suggested that idea, she quickly died down from. "i can ask if my friends could help?" i suggest. she smiles and nods, so i walk towards the phone, and call Bruce first. he's always really clean, or is just good at cleaning, the first part isn't all that true.

(bold is Bruce, and normal is Finny!)


"hi Bruce, sorry im calling, or bothering you, my dad gave Gwen and i a huge list of chores and stuff"

"oh okay its no worries, what about it though?"

"Gwen really wanted to know if you could come help, we have to be done everything by tomorrow evening so can you?"

"of course Finn! I'll be there soon, and your at your old house right? from a few years ago?"

"yeah, and thanks a lot Bruce, it means quite a bit. bye, I'll see you soon i guess"

"bye Finny"

(conversation over)

i hang up the phone, smiling. "Bruce said yeah, so lets just get started and wait for him to come" i say.


its been about 20 minutes, and me and Gwen are barely even finished the kitchen yet. we decided to work with each other, on each room, so it wont take as long. hopefully.

suddenly a knock is pounded at my door. i walk over to the door, and opening it. i expected only Bruce but i was very wrong.

the whole group stood there, on my porch smiling. "we are ready to clean Finn!" griffin smiled, jokingly. "what? Bruce you didn't tell me you brought everyone" i laugh.

"eh well your going to need help!" Bruce shrugged. i opened the door wider, letting everyone in.

"woah i thought you said just Bruce...?" Gwen asked holding a spray bottle in her hand. "i dont even know either, just clean" i shrug.

"also i dont wanna clean, Bruce dragged me" Vance said. "its true he really did" Billy confirmed.


it has been a whopping 3 hours since we've started cleaning. and thankfully we all had finally finished, and me and Gwen were just finishing putting away a few snacks in the cabinets, while everyone sat on the couch talking.

"oh it late, i should go" billy sadly said standing up. "same, my mom will kill me if im not home by night, plus i said i was going to grab n go so im in trouble anyway" brcue shrugged. i smiled.

"thank you for helping, we would have been still cleaning if it weren't for your guys help" i said.

they all smiled and said some 'your welcome's.

the group all stood up, and walked towards the door. "bye Finn, bye Gwen" they all said. "bye guys" i said. "bye" Gwen said.

i closed the door behind them and turned around to see robin standing up from the couch. i jumped, somehow getting scared. "Jesus! what are you still doing here?" i said. "woah jeez, can i stay the night?" robin asks. i mean how could i say no? "yeah sure, do you have extra clothes?" i ask.

he shakes his head, "its fine i have some anyway" i say.

"okay lovebirds...im going to my room to unpack a few things, bye losers!" Gwen says and runs to her room. i roll my eyes.
I made Robin so dry in this chapter 😭 I honestly don't know what I was going for, but definitely not what I had in mind..😭😭💀

809 words

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