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This takes place in California!)
(No ones pov)

"gwen are you packed?" finny asked gwen who sat in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. "yeah yeah im packed! dont worry" she responded slightly annoyed. he had been asking her this question for weeks now.

"good" finny said, he walked back into his empty room. he wont miss it, nor would he miss this house. he hates it here, he hates California. he misses Denver.

he's happy he gets to go home and see his friends again. he's a little pissed off that Terrance is just giving them there old house to live in while he goes on trips and have the time of his life.

"hi daddy.." finny heard gwen mumble as h could hear the front door open and close.

finny walked out and saw terrance standing in front of gwen, he threw his car keys on the table. "you packed yet gwenny?" he asked.

"yeah" gwen replied, finny could tell she was scared. "good, we leave tonight, we'll be there tomorrow morning." he said, terrance turned around and saw finny. "are you packed?" he asked. finny nodded. "good" terrance says.

terrance walks to his room, grabbing a few bags and throwing them to finny.

"pack the car" he says, finny nods and takes the bags and walk out to the car. he slowly opened the trunk, and then he shoves the bags into it.

as finny was walking back to the house he heard gwen yelp. finny then took off running, slamming the door open, he saw terrance standing over gwen with a hand raised. gwen layed there, horrified. the worst part is, this isn't the first time this happened.

gwen was crying holding her left cheek on her face. her face was red, meaning terrance slapped her again. "dont touch her!" finny says as he runs to make sure gwen is okay. "shes my god damn daughter, i can touch her when i want!" terrance argues.

Finny decided to not scream or yell but instead decided to just hold his sister in his arms as she cried.

Terrance signed and walked in his room shouting "your playing with fire little boy!"

Finny just rolled his eyes and hugged Gwen tighter.

"You okay?" He whispered. "Yeah.." Gwen smiles into the hug.


The three jumped on the train, going from California to Denver. Gwen was excited, finny was finally becoming happy after many years, and Terrance was just drunk.

(When they got there!)

The three stepped off of the train, Terrance grabbed his water bottle and took a long swing. it may look as if there was water in it, but really it was just some type of whiskey or any other alcohol beverage.

"Look finny it look like you have a fanbase.." Gwen giggled, pointing to a huge group of people. Some finny recognized, some he didn't even know. he just awkwardly held his suitcase.

"Don't come home till 11pm got it?" Terrance walks off to his home, probably to Jack off or something.

Gwen rolls her eyes, and clings on to finny as the two start walking.

"Hey finny! Do you remember me from 3rd grade..?" Some random girl pops up and says.

"Hi finny, you remember me right? I'm Mary from science class in 8th grade!" Another said. all of these girls most definitely ignored finny if he were to ever speak to them back in middle school.

Gwen laughed as finny gave her an annoying look.

A bunch of girls kept popping up out of the group and asked to hang out with finny, or if he had remembered them from years ago.

After 10 minutes, finny and Gwen managed to break free if the girls and continued to walk back to the house to drop off their suitcases.

After they've done that, the two decided to walk to the park and sit down on the grass.

"I really missed it here!" Gwen smiled.

"Yeah me too, but I don't understand why all those girl were so eager to meet me..?" Finny said confused.

Gwen Burst out laughing.

"Your stupid! You've had a major glow up since like 8th grade!" She grins.

Finny shrugs. "more like a GROW up, im 17 now!" he said. gwen just rolled her eyes.

"The sun is setting, we should head back" finny say, standing up.

"Yeah good idea, I don't want dad to strangle me tonight " Gwen chuckles, and shrugs.

"Not funny!" Finny slapped her.

"Yeah it is!" She laughed.


Yay I kinda like this chapter I'm not sure tbh! Well the next chapter is when they finally meet! Also I apologize if this book goes by quick, I made this book for fun and an easy little experience! 🤌

794 words

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