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(missing kids pov)
Next day, Friday 9:am

Robin groaned while getting up, he was honestly so tired he didn't even know if he could last the day at school.

"¿Robin Estás despierto?" His mom yelled from down the stairs. (Robin are you awake?)

"¡Sí, Ya voy" (yes I'm coming) he yelled back. Robin got up, and cracked his damaged knuckles. He then cracked his neck, his back, and his wrist. he's developed a habit of cracking his bones, he knew it would leave to cramping and stuff but the noise made his brain tingle.

Robin sighed and walked towards his dresser full of clothes. He picked out a simple red, oversized t-shirt, and huge blue jeans that are way too big.

"¡Robin, Vamos!" Robins sister yelled from the kitchen. (Robin come on!)

Robin rolled his eyes, "¡Próximo!" Robin yelled back, he quickly grabbed a pack of cigarettes and ran down the stairs, shoving them in his pocket. He ran to get his backpack off a little hanger. (Coming!)

"Mom left awhile ago, you took to long" Sara, who is his sister, said eating a poptart. Robin walked to the door picking up his skateboard.

"Okay, well I gotta go, see ya" Robin said and ran out the door. "Bye robin!" His brother yelled from beside Sara in the house.

Robin waved goodbye, and then walked a little further. He then placed down his skateboard and adjusted his backpack.

Finally once he was ready, he hopped on his skateboard and started riding it toward school.

(At school, I'm also sorry if this skateboarding stuff isn't realistic, ik nothing of skateboards and stuff 😭)

"Hey Robin!" Griffin yelled from a little area, he was standing with Vance, billy, and Bruce.

Robin waved and stopped his skateboard, walking up to him.

"Hey guys" he smiled at them.

"Hey hoe, and guess what?!"billy said.

"What??" Robin asked confused. The group just kind of all laughed and snickered. "Finny came back yesterday and is coming to school today!"

Robin instantly smiled.

"On a Friday?" He only said. he wanted to hide how exited he was. The group burst out laughing, not expecting him to say that.

"Wait is that him..?"Bruce asked Pointing at a big group of people swarming some guy and a girl.

"Finnys not popular though..??" Vance asked, Bruce hit him in the back of the head. "Ouch!", Vance just yelled.

The group watched the people all yell over one another, continuing to crowd the guy.

The bell rang and everyone that was swarming the guy eventually ran away to go to their classes and such. So the group had clear view of who this guy was.

It was finny Blake. He had his sister by his side, clinging on to him.

They both looked at each other and laughed as they continued to walk.

Then two small girls came running up to Gwen hugging her and smiling.

"Oh I forgot Amy was Gwen's best friend." Bruce shrugged.

Gwen laughed with the two girls, and walked away with them.

Finny smiled at his sister and continued to walk alone into the school, but then Griffin ran to him and pulled him back, where the group was.

"What the fuck?" Finny asked, probably very confused.

"Griffin you can't just pull people out and force them to meet you!" Bruce slapped him.

"Ouch ok okay.." Griffin huffed.

Finny was very confused at first but then realized quickly that these were his childhood friends.

"Oh shit guys?" Finny smiled.

"Yup that's us!" Billy smiled and ran in for a hug. Griffin, and Bruce all gave a hug as well. As soon as Robin had a good look at finny, he was a blushing mess.

Vance smiled and gave an awkward side hug and robin gave a comfortable hug.

"It's so great to see you again Finn!" Robin smiled at him.

"Yeah, I really missed this place" finny said.

"Oh and why was there a group of people swarming you?" Vance asked, scoffing.

"Uh actually I don't know, Gwen says it's because I had a glow up, but I honestly think I didn't" finny explained.

"Yeah definitely a grow up, but like a really good grow up!" Billy smiled leaning on Griffin.

"So wanna skip school?" Robin asked.

"He's not skipping school on the first day! Let him be, Robin!" Bruce said annoyed.

"What the hell could I miss on a Friday?" Finny shrugged.

"True " Vance said.

"And yeah, I'll skip with you guys" finny smiled.


Short chapter again, but hopefully it's getting interesting...idk? And again, I'm sorry if this book goes by pretty quick, I'm just practicing my writing and stuff. And sorry if I got any translation of Spanish wrong, you guys can tell me if I did!:)

800 words

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