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(Gwen's pov!)

I think finney likes Robin. Or Robin likes Finney. Well I mean it's obvious.

I am Finney's sister so I guess I need to look out for him?

Which means I need to get him and robin together. Like really soon. Cause I will not handle seeing Finney sad and miserable, but when robins here, he's so much happier.

Yeah i saw Finney have an emo phase for FIVE years and I was forced to watch it and shit! It's super annoying so I just dont Want him to be sad and all.

I mean yeah, Finney is annoying but he is my brother.

Finney Blake is my brother.

I'm not chicken to say It. Normal people wouldn't have been so out to saying that but I'm not normal I guess. I don't care that Finney is gay. I don't care that Finney gets bullied. And I don't care that people only started to like him when he had this huge glow up.

He doesn't like the attention he gets from it, and neither do I.

It actually blows my mind that I can get lost in thoughts and all this, that I forget me and Finney are walking home. Like I was so lost in thought that i felt like I teleported from the park to our front door.

Guess the "lost in thought" saying, is actually pretty right. If you try hard enough, or think hard enough, you can get lost in thoughts.

I wish I could stay in my thoughts forever.

But I'm hit with a hard hit of fucking reality, and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes slap my face.

Finney looks at me and twitches his nose, indicating that it smells like shit.

We enter the house and Finney walk straight to his room, and I close the door behind me.

Once I close the door quietly, I turn around and I see dad-..shit I mean I see Terrance sitting in the living room, drinking.

He's drinking alcohol.



I've never ever wanted to try it. Finney has though. He has multiple times. I even caught him before drinking it. I was heart broken. I remember that day so clearly and I really don't want to. It haunts me.

Flash back

I walk in the house and I feel super weird. Like super fucking weird, like a bad feeling in my stomach.

I take off my shoes and walk to finneys room.

When I open the door I could never have prepared for what I was going to see.

Finney sat there, his back to his bedframe, drinking a huge bottle of whiskey. Or was it wine? I don't know, and I certainly don't care.

He looks at me with horror.

"Gwen...i-" he says but decided not to continue. Why would he do this..

I want to yell. I want to scream at him for being so stupid. But I can't. all I can do is cry. What screams "girl" more then anything, right?

I cry. I don't want to cry, it's weak and stupid.

But i do. And I wanna slap myself for it.

It wasn't that Finney was drinking, or that he stole the bottles of booze, but it's that we had a promise. We had a promise to never, EVER, drink in our lives. Terrance drinks to much, and the things he does when he is drunk, will most definitely scar us both.

Terrance drinks all the time, and I always thought that meant that we would grow to hate alcohol and never drink or get addicted to it.

But I guess I thought wrong.

Whenever Terrance hit us way to hard, or does something super stupid, we have a mini sleepover in his room.

We always talk about reasons we would never drink, or smoke, or just be a total ass.

We pinky promised on it. More then once.

And yet Finney Broke that promise.

And I was broken, I was actually heart broken. It was like anger and sadness mixed in one. And whatever that feeling is called, I was definitely feeling it.

I just stood there though, standing and crying. As the one person that I trusted with my whole fucking life, lied to me and kept this hidden.

It may not seem alot, but coming from a fucking abusive home life, it is.

I trusted him. I trusted him so much.

It was like everything kind of clicked. It was like I figured out why he always went out at night to see his 'friends' and how he came back with a big ass bag. And whenever I asked what was in the bag, he rolled his eyes and told me to get out. I fucking hate him for that. I fucking hate him for this.

End of Flash back

I walk to my room and shake off the alcohol and stuff. I don't know why I'm thinking of it. It's not important. At all.


Yay okay so I tried to like put Gwen in here just for the fun of it. But the rest of the book I promise I will do RINNY and stuff. So DW I just wanted to like make this book alittle less boring🫣

879 words

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