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(robins pov!)

Me and Finney have been hanging out in his room for a while. I was supposed to be going home after spending the night here this morning but mamà said I can stay longer.

Honestly this doesn't even seem that big of a deal, well except for the fact that Finney and I are cuddling while reading a few comics.

We are cuddling

We've cuddled before but not when we are aware and stuff. Normally we would just wake up and find ourselves holding eachother but we are huddled up against eachother, fully aware.

I don't know if he feels like I am forcing him to cuddle with me...oh my god what if he does feel like it.

Am I forcing him to cuddle me? Oh god he is going hate me now. He's going to think I'm a gay freak. Wait what no I am not gay. Finney isn't gay. Neither of us is gay.

I mean I don't think he is. I wouldn't mind if he was though. I'm not like homophobic or anything.

Finney is reading some comic book while laying against me. He seems like he doesn't care where he is right now, all he cares about is just reading the book. His head rests on my stomach while our legs tangle together, I softly hold him.

"Hey Robin?" He asks.

I look down at his hair, his face is still facing the comic so he can't see me.


"Do you think Vance and Bruce will end up together?" He says, while turning his head so he is facing my direction. I can see a red blush planted in his face. Or it's just my imagination, im turning delusional.

"Uh I'm not sure. Probably honestly" I shrug. He nods and turn his head back to the comic.

"Why?" I ask.

"Oh I don't know cause I think Bruce is Inlove with Vance. I mean I always knew he liked him but like I think they are Inlove" Finney says while sitting up. I feel slightly disappointed that we aren't really cuddling anymore.

..Wait Bruce is Inlove with Vance?


He laughs and nods.

"Yeah I think they are, it's easy to tell when someone is, unless it's yourself of course" he says.

I smile and get sit up as well.

"Hey what time is it?" I ask yawning.

He looks over at his alarm. "4:00pm" he says.

"Oh well maybe I should get going.." I frown. Mamà said she wanted me home at 6pm but I was allowed to stay another night if I wanted. But I honestly kind of wanna go home, I miss her and Tío so much. Even though it's only been a day, I still some how miss them like crazy.

"Oh..well I guess maybe" Finney sadly says.

I stand up from his bed and walk over to the corner of his room where my bag is sitting. I pick up my bag and stuff my clothes in it.

Once I'm finished I sling the bag over my shoulder.

"Bye Finney, thanks for having me" I smile. He walks with me to the front door.

"By robin, that is for coming over"

And with that I leave. As I started walking I hear a car, my gut told me to turn around, and I saw Finneys dad arrive home.

Maybe it's a good thing I left early.

I just hope Finney and Gwen will be okay and not totally broken by their asshole of a dad. I turn around and continue to walk back to my house.


I open the front door and instantly I smell food.

"Mamà! I'm home!" I yell and I hear a laugh.

"¡Estamos en la cocina, hija mía!" My mom yells. (We are in the kitchen child, i don't remember what I wrote there I'm so sorry 😭)

I throw my bag by the side, take off my shoes, and walk to the kitchen. Sara and Miguel are sitting at the table eating dinner while mamà and Tío talked at the counter.

"Ah! My nephew! How are you!" My tío greets me.

"I'm fine tío, are you practicing English?" I ask.

He nods and smiles.

"It is good for human body to learn England!" He smiles warmly. I laugh.

"You mean 'english' and that whole sentence didn't make sense"

He frowns and laughs. "Lo conseguiré la próxima vez, supongo" he switches back to spanish. (I will get it next time I suppose)

I smile and walk to the counter top where a plate of food sits. I grab the palte and go sit down with my siblings.

"You think tío will ever learn?" Miguel scoffs. I roll my eyes. He can be such a jerk sometimes.

"Yes I think he will, he's been getting better" u say.

He laughs. "No, he has a LONG way to go" Miguel says.

"At least he can speak spanish agujero trasero" I grin.

He rolls his eyes and continues to eat.


Ello! Okay so I realized that I've been an asshole and I haven't been translating the words and stuff in English...so um idk if I should go back and edit some chapters😭

872 words

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