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(No ones pov!)

The group all decided to walk to grab n go, and get Slurpees.

The group paid for their drinks, and went to sit on a curb outside of the store."so Finn how was California?" Robin asked.

"Oh well it kind of sucks if I'm being honest" finny shrugged.

"Why?" Bruce asked, taking a sip of the Slurpee.

"Just cause everyone was a asshole, and the stupid city made me do some bad decisions" finny sadly said.

"Oh, like what?" Bruce asked again. By now, everyone was pretty interested in what finny had to say about California. They all thought he would love California, cause it was supposed to be the city of dreams.

"Smoking" finny looked up at everyone. He studied there shocked faces.

"You? Finny Blake, smoke fucking cigarettes?" Vance asked in disbelief.

He nodded.

"Well good thing you live here again, cause this town sucks but at least we have eachother, right!" Griffin smiled.

Everyone laughed at him and continued talking about what finny missed over the years, and California.

"Hey we should go to our spot!" Billy suggested.

Everyone laughed and agreed. They all got up, threw their garbage away, and started walking to the park.

Once they got there they walked towards a big bush, and behind the bush was a small old door. It was wooden and probably years old.

"Have you guys been here since I left?" Finny asked.

"Nope, we were to sad" Robin shrugged, that little comment made finny smile.

Bruce opened the door and a very small garden came in view. A huge bush with dying apples sat in the middle, while a broken statue sat in a corner.

A brown, wooden, bench sat beside the statue. And dead plants and flowers were everywhere.

"Well it's alot more, dead then before?" Finny laughed.

"Yeah we didn't bother for care for the garden anymore" Griffin admitted.

Finny laughed, even if he was a tiny bit mad that the garden died, it was his favorite part of this town. Even if he was by himself, and his friends were gone, he used to come In here and think. It was practically his garden. It was his comfort place.

"We'll have to fix things up then" Finny said walking into the door while everyone watched him.

"What? You guys not coming in?" He asked smiling.

"Ugh your an asshole" Vance said whined and went inside the garden with everyone else.

Finny decided to sit on the dead-ish grass, Robin followed.

Griffin and billy laughed and made stupid jokes about the statue.

And Bruce and Vance held hand while sitting together on the bench, Bruce's head resting in Vance's shoulder.

"So how does it feel to be officially home? I really hoped you miss us, cause soon, you won't miss us and would want to leave" Robin laughed.

"Yeah understandable, but i really did miss this town. Even though everyones fake and just a bitch, I missed this" finny smiled looking around, enjoying and savoring the moment.

"Yeah we missed you alot, I missed you alot" Robin said admiring finnys face.

"Hey maybe we should leave soon? School should be over soon" finny said.

"Hey Griff what time is it?" Finny called out to Griffen.

"1:46" Griffen said. "Oh shit 1:46 we gotta go!" He quickly added on. Everyone picked up there bags and belongings and ran back to where school was.

"Anddd....2:20 pm!" Griffin smiled, then the bell rang.

"Here finny take this" Robin said, giving him an extra sweater he keeps in his bag.

"Why?" Finny asked.

"Because no one will recognize you, obviously"

Finny nodded and threw in the sweater, pulling the hood over his face. He could hear Gwen, Amy, and Susie walk out of the school.

He walked over to them.

"Oh hey finny!" Susie smiled. "Hi finny!" Amy greeted.

"Hi guys, sorry I didn't say hi in the morning" finny said.

"Oh its fine, we were saying hi to Gwen anyway" Susie laughed.

"Ugh okay let's go!" Gwen said. She waved goodbye Amy and Susie, while finny waved goodbye his friends as well.

"So how was your day at school?" Finny asked Gwen. She gave a confused look. "We got o the same school? I'm confused.." she asked.

"Whatever it's fine" he quickly added.

"Oh and Donna was asking when she could see you, she was looking everywhere for you" Gwen said.

"Really?" Finny asked confused as well. "Yeah she must've missed you...wait Donna must have a crush on you then!" Gwen excitedly smiled.

"I don't know...I think I might have a crush on someone else, other then Donna" finny quietly said.

Another short chapter, but I'm pretty sure all of them are going to be short so whatever 🤷‍♀️

Okay so Im also kind of just procrastinating everything so like it's not really planned. I might have something in mind but idk 😶

828 words

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