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finny pov!!

i slowly wake up, i groggily yawn and open my eyes very slowly, i feel hand wrapped around my waist

i turn my head and see and sleeping robin, holding me. i instantly turn flustered and sit up. he moves slightly, so he must be waking up. i didn't wanna seem rude so i just stood up and ran to my bathroom.

i close and lock the door behind me as hi stand in the mirror, staring at myself.

'do i like robin..?' i mumble loud enough that i could barely hear myself. i sigh and open the bathroom door again and walk back to my room. i see robin standing up stretching and yawning.

"morning" he says. i smile, his morning voice is just so...pretty. no NOT pretty i meant raspy. i cant call friends pretty, its just not what friends say or do, right?

"morning, you have a really raspy voice" i mock him, and he death stares me and smiles.

"ugh my dad gets home later, you should go, i have to clean my room and stuff" i say cracking my knuckles. he groans and nods, grabbing his clothes and changing into them quickly in the washroom.

he steps back into my room, his hair is somehow perfect again, like always.

"well i gotta go then, bye finn" he smiles at me. "bye robin" i say and walk him to the front door. i watch him leave, and then i close the door, walking back to my room.

i hear gwen come out of her room, she still in her pajamas and her hair is a mess. but i cant say anything, im still in MY pajamas and my hair is probably a mess too.

"wheres robin?" she ask, sitting on my bed with me. "oh he left not to long ago" i say. she hums in a response and lays down. "i have to clean my room, gwen. get out" i laugh. "ugh what ever! " she flips me off and walks back into her room.

(time skip, after finney cleans his room)

finally i finish my room. I've been cleaning it for a straight hour, I'm exhausted. i walk to my closet and pick out a big black shirt, that has
'i ❤ hot moms'
written on it. gwen gave it to me for my birthday a while back. i then pick up big jeans and change into them fast.

im happy its Saturday, for obvious reasons.

i walk in the bathroom and fix my ugly hair. it looks somewhat okay now.

"where are you going?" gwen scoffs while looking at me from the doorway of the bathroom. "no where, im just getting ready for the day" i shrug. "oh well wanna got to the park again before daddy gets home?" she asks.

i hate it when he calls her dad or daddy. i hate it when i have to call him dad myself. he dosen't do anything for us.

"dont say that" i say

"say what?"

"dont call him daddy or dad" i say.

she looks at me, i can see sadness and she looks super tired too. she needs more sleep.

"he is our dad"

"yeah but i just wish you wouldn't call him that. he doesn't do anything"

she smiles and walks out to change into wearable clothes.

after she is ready we both walk to the park and sit on the swings. we talk about loads of stuff, "we should go back, terrance is home by now, well most likely he is" i say, she nods and we walk home. i see his car in the drive way.


i got rlly lazy with this chapter sorry! but hopefully u find this amusing. and im so sorry if ther are word errors, im super busy so its hard to keep up with this book!

645 words

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