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(robins pov!)

Me and Finney kissed in the bathroom.

We kissed.

We kissed.

The bell rang and I was walking to the cafeteria with Finney close to my side. It honestly kind of was awkward since neither of us were talking.

Finally we arrived and Bruce and billy were already there.

They seemed like they were talking, then Griffin ran up to them with Vance beside him.

They 4 sat at our usual table and I took a breath. Finney seemed nervous too.

"Why are we scared..?" He asked.

I look at him.

"I'm not sure, maybe it's cause we had a make out session in the bathroom a few minutes ago" I joked and Finney turned beet red.

I laughed and we started walking to the table where the others greeted us.

"Oh my god I wish school was over now!!" Griffin whined.

"Yeah..hey maybe we could all have a major sleepover or something?" Billy suggested.

Bruce gasped.

We all looked at him confused.

"We should throw a party!" He happily said. Vance scoffed.

"At who's house? I don't think any of us are popular so no one would come dipshit" Vance reasoned.

I nodded. "I mean I guess Bruce, you are kind of popular " I shrug.

"Exactly, DW I have an idea!" He smiled at all of us and then walked up and ran to some random guy.

He talked with him for a few minutes before running back to us.

The guy then got up on a table infront of everyone, and yelled, "party at Bruce's house wooo!!!"

Everyone cheered and screamed, so I guess there was officially a party happening tonight.


(No one's pov)

Bruce quickly made it home while telling Amy all of the party details,

"Hey what about mom and dad?" She asked.

"They have that business trip, remember?" He said.

"Yeah but they will probably call and stuff, you know mom"

"Don't worry, I have it under control" Bruce smiled.

Once the two made it home their parents were already getting ready to leave. They hugged their goodbyes and then left in a cab to the airport. After, Amy and bruce instantly started decorating the house with cool lights, tables, drinks, and made sure they had extra room for dancing.

After they finished the both of them quickly cha ged into cool outfits.

Bruce wore a white tank top, a unzipped green sweater, and baggy jeans. He styled his hair perfectly until he was satisfied.

Amy wore very baggy black cargos and a zipped up black sweater with a red zipper. Her hair was put up in two buns with extra hair infront of her eyes.


Finney and Gwen quickly changed into good outfits.

They both approved one anothers outfits so they wouldn't look totally stupid.

Finney was wearing a large grey t-shirt and blue jeans with a bunny hat on for fun. His hair was fluffy ish but was mostly covered by the hat.

Gwen wore a fitting navy blue t-shirt and baggy black jeans. Her hair was down and she wore lots of jewelry.

They both smiled at one another and agreed they both looked good and went out the door to Bruce's house.


Vance wasn't in a rush like anyone else. He just threw on a black tank top and dark blue jeans. His hair he honestly didn't care much about so he just wore it down.

He sat down and ate dinner with his mother before looking at the time and having to go.

His kissed his mom goodnight and left.


Robin, Sara, and Miguel all were ready to leave at the same time so there wasn't a fight like usual.

Robin wore a white long sleeve with a fitting ish t-shirt on top. He wore his normal baggy jeans and his signature bandana.

Sara decided to wear a tight white t-shirt ( cropped) and baggy back jeans with some a hjnt of her underwear showing. Her hair was put into a high ponytail.

Miguel threw on a random hoodie he owned and black cargos. His hair he didn't care much about so he just left it messy.

The three all made it out of the house in time for Bruce's party.


Billy decided to play fetch with his dog before changing and leaving.

After about 60 minutes of playing he decided to change into a white tank top and black shorts with green outlines.

His hair he left fluffy and continued to play with his dog before finally leaving.


Griffin had a nap after school so he was alitte late for the party.

When he woke up he changed into a fitting brown t-shirt with a cool design on it. And baggy ish jeans, he obviously wore his signature Converse and a cross on his neck.

He waited a few more minutes before finally deciding to leave his house and start walking to Bruce's home.


Once everyone had gotten at Bruce's house, there had already been many people there getting drunk and high.

After Gwen, Sara, and Amy went separate ways with their brothers, Miguel decided to join his friends with beer chugging.

It was left with the 6 kids.

They all laughed and drinked alittle but Robin made sure to count how many drinks Finney had.

He didn't want him to relapse an addiction again.

(Time skip cuz I can//)

It was currently 4am and everyone was still up and partying.

Some people have left, but somehow some people joined the party as well.

It was all fun until many people started leaving cause if how laye it had gotten.

Soon it was only a few passed out kids and the group of 6.

"Shi-.. shit!" Finney stammerd. He was super drunk.

"Finney baby, your drunk" Robin smiled. He also had one to many drinks.

Soon after the group fell asleep next to oneanother on the couch.


Finney woke up to laughing and talking. His head felt like shit and he wanted to throw up.

"Ow..what the fuck.?" He said whole getting up and holding his heand and stomach.

"Oh hey Finn" Robin smiled at finney from the kitchen. Bruce and billy were beside him.

"Uhm hi.." he said slowly getting up. "Are you okay Mi amor?.." Robin asked.

Finney didn't respond, he instead ran to the bathroom and puked into the toilet.

The three ran after him. Robin sat beside Finney, running his back slowly.

"Oh Vance and Griffin are awake" Bruce said before walking out for the bathroom to help up the other two.

"You okay Finney?" Billy asked from beside Robin.

Finney stopped puking and nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine I think"


I hate this chapter so much wow. It went by so quick and didn't even explain the party so I'm so sorry:(((

1138 words

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