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Y'all need to buckle up for this one..😭

(Finneys pov!)

School is fucking boring it's insane. My teacher, mr.dumbass, is just ranting on about math and stuff.

Since class started I have been feeling a itch in my body. It's hard to explain but it's kind of like im in need of something.

Maybe I should just go to the bathroom for the time being, class ends in like 20 or 30 minutes.

I look at the clock. We've only been in this shit hole for 10 minutes. And this is the first block...each block is like an hour and 80 minutes.

I have like 5 or 6 blocks left, this is going to be a long ass day.

'fuck it' I mumbled and raise my hand.

"Yes finney?" Mr.dumbass asked.

"Can I use the restroom?" I ask as politely as I can.

"Of course! Here..!" He smiles and pulls out a bathroom pass. I stand up from my desk and take it, I thank him and then walk out of the class.

I make my way to the restroom, and then walk into the 'mens restroom '.


Matt, Matty, and buzz are here.

They just beat the shit out of me a few days ago, I don't need another beating, not today.

Buzz, matt, and Matty turn their heads and they see me.

Buzz is washing his hands, Matty is leaning up against the wall, and Matt is standing in the middle of the room.

"Hey Finney" Matty stands up straight.

Buzz smirks.

"Fuck man" I groan and turn around in a attempt to walk away but Matt pulls me back.

"Not so fast" he says and yanks me on the floor.

I really do not want to have to go through this right now.

I hear the three laugh and then start kicking me.

Okay this is definitely going to leave bruises everywhere, probably even re-open some cuts.

"Ouch! Get off! Fuck!" I yell in agony.

They stop.

I look up and see buzz talking to the other two. Matty and Matt nod and then step back.

Oh shit I know where this is going.

Buzz then kicks me across the face, causing my head to slap against the floor.

They all laugh and then leave, talking about how 'awesome' they are.

I sit up straight and hold my nose.

"Fuck" I whisper.

I stand up and wash my face with the dirty ass tap water from the sink.

What a great first day back.

I sit down, against the wall and sigh. Then I reach in my pocket and pull out a cigarette packet.

I promised Gwen I would quit like a long time ago.

Or was that with the drinks?

Well if didn't quite keep that promise either.

I light the cigarette with my lighter that I have had since like 5th grade. I hold the cigarette close to my mouth and take a puff.

After a few more puffs I feel no different then when I did in class. I need something more affective. I put out the cigarette and think about what I could do.

Reunited -RinnyWhere stories live. Discover now