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(no one's pov!)

It was Monday morning, and most of the kids in Denver were pretty much drained and school hasn't even started yet.

Finney Blake especially, because it was his first day of school. Well he did go to school on Friday, but he skipped to hang out with friends.

(Don't ask, but all of the chapters before were in the span of a weekend somehow 😭)

"Finney let's go!" Gwen banged on Finney's door.

He groaned. "I'm coming jeez!" He yelled back.

Finney looked at himself in his body mirror before shrugging and grabbing his bag.

He wore a black long sleeve and a red t-shirt over it. He then had big jeans on, and completed the outfit with some random necklace he found.

He threw his bag in his shoulder and opened his door to be faced with an annoyed Gwen.

She was wearing a tight long sleeved shirt, and dark blue jeans. Her hair was down and she was wearing rings, necklaces, and bracelets.

"If we are late I swear I'll kick your ass" she says and then runs off to the front door and puts on her shoes.

He rolls his eyes and then quickly puts his shoes on as well.

They run out the door, hoping they didn't wake Terrance up, and then started walking to school.


Bruce walked to school with Amy, while they talked about random conversations. Its was siblings do, so it wasn't really abnormal to see them get along.

Bruce was wearing a baggy black t-shirt and green baggy cargos, he wore a beanie to cover up his hair since it was not cooperating.

His sister, amy, was wearing pajama pants and a soft red tank top. Bruce didn't really like the outfit Amy was wearing, he thought it showed a little to much skin.

"So any crushes?" Amy asked while adjusting he backpack.

Bruce scoffed. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because I think you do have someone in kind dipshit!" Amy laughed. Bruce smiled and blushed slightly.

"Ha exactly! Your blushing, which means you like someone, ooo maybe it's Finney? Or billy, yeah I think billy-.."

Bruce stared horrified at his sister.

"Ew what the fuck no! Billy and Finney? Who the hell do you think I am!" Bruce gagged.

"Oh yeah, Finney like Robin and billy likes Griffin" Amy pouted.

"How do you know all this shit anyway?!" Bruce asked, he was scared she may have knew who he liked.

"Gwen and Sara, obviously" she rolled her eyes.


Robin, Sara, and Miguel arrived at the school a bit early then usual, so they had to wait outside for the time being. Robin was wearing a large grey sweater and jeans, Miguel was wearing a black t-shirt and dirty ass jeans, and Sara was wearing a tank top and jeans.

"Ugh why the hell did mamà drop us off so Maldito early!" Miguel whined.

"Jeez cause she works to pay for our asses! Shut the fuck up and be grateful for once" Sara scolded.

"Oh shut it, you don't know anything" Miguel snapped back.

"Oh i dont know anything?"

"Yeah so shut up you whore"

Sara gasped. "You called me a whore?! Oh I'm 'bout to beat your ass Miguel Arellano " Sara yelled.

Robin rolled his eyes.

"Shut the fuck up, both of you"

The two stopped arguing and glared at one another in Silence. That's when Robin saw Bruce and Amy walking to the school.

"Amy!!" Sara yelled, looks like Sara saw the two before Robin did.


Griffin walked slowly to school, he didn't know how he could keep doing this for another couple hundred days.

Griffin was wearing a hello kitty black sweater and baggy jeans. He was also wearing a hello kitty hat.


Griffin yawned and continued on to drag himself to school.

On the way he heard Gwen and Finney talking loudly from around the corner.

He decided to try and scare them by hiding behind a bush.

Once the two came around the corner, with no knowledge that Griffin was there, Griffin popped out and screamed

Gwen and Finney yelped, and the realized it was Griffin who scared them. "Fuck off!" Gwen crossed her arms, " she's grumpy" Griffin laughed.

"Yeah cause you scared us asshole!" Finney rolled his eyes.

The three then started talking, they all felt as if their mornings had already gotten better.


"Au revoir maman!" Vance yelled while he closed the door.(bye mom)

(Yes he is a mamas boy and french, fight me, because I js love this Canon thingy😍)

"Au revoir mon amour" His mother yelled back (bye my love)

Vance walked onto the sidewalk and started walking to school.

As normal he was wearing his favorite necklace, and some random outfit he found (black hoodie and black jeans.)

As Vance was walking he saw Donna from the corner of his eye.

She was wearing baggy jeans and some white tank top.

He shrugged her off and continued to walk.


Billy had just woken up and looked at his alarm clock. His eyes widened.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled and quickly got up. It was already 7:20 and school started at 8:10.

He lives quite far from the school so this was not enough time to get to the school. Normally he would ride his bike but he needed his mom to drop him off, well he needed to try and convince his mom to.

"Mom! Mom! Can you drop me off?!" Billy yelled while running out of his room in still pajamas.

"Billy? What are you doing home?" She asked while sipping her coffee.

"I slept in and yeah so can you?!!"

"Yeah of course! And is that what you are...wearing?" She asked while motioning to his outfit.

He was wearing pajama pants and a large black hoodie.

He shrugged and nodded.

"I can't be late I swear!" He groaned. His mom laughed and got up to wash her coffee cup.

Billy ran to his room and grabbed his bag, he then ran to his bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth.


Okay hi!! So this book is like not really giving what I want it to give so next chapter it will be
...sad ish? Idek,

Reunited -RinnyWhere stories live. Discover now