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(robins pov!)

I'm surprised finny said yes into letting me stay with him for the night. I kind of knew though, I even told mamà that I was going to Vance's house, which is not true.

Finny walked in his room, leaving me standing awkwardly In his kitchen.

"You coming?" He asked, peeking around the corner.

"Yeah sorry" I quickly say. Hopefully I didn't embarrass myself.

I walk into his room, and he jumps in his bed. He covers himself with piles of clean blankets and pillows.

"In my closet, in sure I have some stuff you could wear" he shrugs, I smile.

I walked to his closet and picked out a large white t-shirt and red pajama pants. "You can change in the bathroom, it's right around the corner" he says. I nod and walk to the bathroom.

I close the door and quickly change.

I look in the mirror and cringe. My hair looks awful, and I look super red. Maybe I should put my hair up? Eh a bun with do.

I put my hair in a loose low bun and walk back to the room. Finny looks like he already change, which means I took along time. Great, that sucks.

He looks at walk in the room, I can see a faint smile sitting in his lips, and a red tint covering his whole face.

Did I fluster him? No, literally shut up Robin, just a friend!

"So are you going to sleep on the floor?" Finny asked.

"Ew no, the floor sucks. So make room for me Finn " I smiled and hop into the bed. "Hey wait the lights" he whines.

"Ugh your such a baby!" I laugh and stand back up to shut off the light.

"Anything else Madam?" I laugh and lean on the wall. I could see his eyes widen. "No thank you! kind sir", he jokingly said in a British accent.

"Can you close the door pleaseeee?" He pleads.

I smiled and did as he asked. Once I closed the door I hopped back into the bed, covering myself in blankets.

"Night Robin" I hear finny say. "Night finny" I say back and turn to my side, so my back is facing finny.


I woke up, what seemed like a few minutes later, but really a few hours later.

I wake up and feel a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. It's to bright and early to wake my eyes so ill just guess who this is.

I don't really need to guess. I know it's finny. But I really do have to make sure.

I slowly open my eyes and see finnys head, is snuggled on my chest. My arms rest on his back, and our legs are tangled together.

I can instantly feel my whole face turn red and blushy.

I don't wanna wake him up so I choose the safest option, I go back to sleep.

He's just so precious and I can't wake him when he looks very comfortable. That would be rude, I think.

I'm honestly just happy finny Blake is cuddling with me. This moment definitely made my day, my month, and my whole year.

I know finnys is, and just a best friend, but I think I want more then that. But I can't have it, finny definitely likes Donna. Or pretty much any other girl in this town, just not me.

Cause I'm not a girl. I'm a boy who stupidly likes his best friend.

Finnys Popular, he has hundreds of girls he can pick if he doesn't choose me, as if he would ever choose me.

Especially Donna. God I hate Donna. I never liked her, and Donna has liked finny since they met when they were 13. I knew finny liked her then, but maybe times changed. I met finny in kindergarten, and when I met him, I felt different towards him. But obviously, up until he left, I never known that my feelings towards finny could end up pretty far. Hell, I didn't even know I liked finny. But looking back at it now...I definitely liked him.

But I like him even more now. And I might have to stop him from dating Donna. Or I could just tell him my feelings?

Yeah no...I'll just see if he even likes Donna. Ugh I hate her name.


Ugly ass name


Y'all I don't hate Donna, Robin does😭 probably shortest chapter 😔

Whatever though, hope u enjoyed this book so far lmao 🥰❗

759 words

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