Chapter 21

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I went back to the house and Lucas was still there. I cleared my throat and started with some small talk. 

"I made a new friend today. Her name is Kim." I say quietly.

"Oh so you're talking to me now?" Lucas says, aggressively, before turning his back to me. 

"Lucas, can you handle this like an adult? What you said was completely disrespectful." I say.

"Well, maybe if you didn't overreact, we wouldn't be having this argument," he said.

"Overreacting? I'm telling you that what you said hurt me! You should apologize." I say.

"Apologize for what? I made an observation, if you can't handle that it's not my problem." he says.

"Okay, that's unnecessary. I'm not trying to 'handle an observation' I'm trying to make you realize how much you hurt me. As I said before, would you like it if I called Johnny handsome in front of you?" I asked. 

"Well no. But I'm not going to apologize for an observation. Maybe you just need to toughen up a bit." Lucas says.

"I am tough, thank you very much! Probably tougher than you, just ask Trey!" I say, remembering everything Trey and I have been through together.

"Don't even speak of him. He kills for fun! And you joined him! I'd rather just forget that part of yours and my life! Look, I'm not going to apologize. If you can't handle me making observations then that's your problem." Lucas says, and I feel hurt that he spoke of Trey like that.

"I can handle an observation, but I can't handle that you don't care about my feelings!" I say, starting to cry. 

"N-no Maya, don't cry please!" Lucas says.

"Then apologize!" I say, tears pouring down now.

"I can't!" he says.

"Well if you can't then take what you care about and leave!" I yelled, still crying.

With that he picked me up by the waist and threw me over his shoulder, walking out the door. I would have loved it if I wasn't so mad at him. When he finally put me down his shirt was wet with tears, and I was glad. 

"Ha-hurr." I yelled, still crying, before turning and running down the street. 

I texted Kim saying "Lucas still won't apologize" and met her at the café again. We met and I told her everything. Then Kim makes wide eyes and makes a motion to turn around. Before I could I feel someone tap my back. I looked up slowly, just enough to see it was Lucas, and then looked straight back at Kim again. 

"Do you want to know why I'm so sad Kim?" I asked.

"Uhm, sure, yeah." she says, confused, looking between Lucas and I.

"A couple of days ago I lost my boyfriend in a mutton bustin' competition." I say, feeling Lucas's hand lock on my shoulder. 

"Hey! Don't tell people I'm dead!" he says, shaking my shoulder gently.

"Sometimes I can still hear his voice!" I say, fake crying.

"Well, how can I make myself come back to life?" Lucas asks.

"I just wished he hadn't left when we were on such bad terms. If only he had apologized." I say, still facing Kim.

"I'm sorry Maya." Lucas said, but I wasn't going to let him off that easily.

"Well, an apology that he sincerely meant." I said, and Kim giggled.

"I can't apologize properly if you won't look at me." Lucas says.

"I'm going to go grab some coffee, do you want one?" Kim asked.

"Yes please, it will drown out the pain" I say dramatically sighing, and she gets up to go to the counter.

Lucas takes her place. I was quite surprised to see him honestly. He took a deep breath and I saw his complexion soften. 

"I'm truly sorry for what happened, and being so stubborn. I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and when I saw you cry I realized how much I had hurt you. I was being stupid and thoughtless." Lucas says softly. 

I try to avoid his gaze, scared of crying again, but listen carefully to what he's saying. Lucas rubs the back of his neck, before continuing. 

"You really do mean so much to me Maya and hearing I made you insecure was devastating and I am deeply sorry." he says, and I finally build the courage to look him in the eyes. 

He gives me a slight smile that makes me go all stupid with love, I take a deep breath to push the feeling down until we sort this out. 

"I'm glad you're finally apologizing." I say, and the rest of that sentence was communicated better unsaid. 

"I want to make it up to you." Lucas says.

"I just want to know one thing before I forgive you." I say.

"Of course, what is it?" he asks.

"Why'd you say it? I never thought you would say something like that, which is why I wouldn't let the 'Just an observation' thing slide." I say.

"Well... first I have to ask you not to react until you've heard my WHOLE sentence okay?" Lucas says, and I get nervous.

"Okay..." I say, hoping it wasn't bad.

"Okay, I did mean it..." he said, and my heart dropped, "...BUT for the first time in my life, I discovered the difference between pretty and beautiful. I fell in love with you because you're beautiful, amongst other things obviously, and she was just pretty."

I smiled and grabbed his hands, that had been nervously fiddling with a napkin the whole time. 

"Anything you need, I'll do it." Lucas said, looking at me, squeezing my hands and smiling, and I knew he meant it. 

"Anything?" I ask, teasing. 

"Anything. You're worth it." he says, taking it seriously. 

"You're too cute, I can't stay mad." I say, laughing, leaning over the table and going to kiss him on the cheek. 

He smiles and cups my face when I'm close to his and pulls it over to a proper kiss. Then Kim comes over with three steaming latte's. She smiles, handing them to Lucas and I. 

"So this is the famous Lucas I've heard so much about?" she says, and Lucas waves. 

That's the end of Chapter 21! Chapter 22 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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