Chapter 31

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The next day I told Kim about the trip in excitement.

"Lucas told me yesterday that he booked us a two day trip to Disney World at the end of the year! I'm so excited." I say. 

"Oh yeah!" she said, but the way she said it made it sound like she already knew about it. 

How could she already know about it? Lucas only told me yesterday, I didn't have a chance until now to tell her. Unless Lucas already told her, but even then, that's kind of weird, because what if he told her before me? I need to stop. This is how you lose friends, this paranoia. I'm just overthinking it. She probably has no idea about it. She might be one of those people who pretend they know what someone is saying because they don't want to seem dumb. I used to be like that. See Maya... no need to be suspicious. Perfectly normal... 

I changed the subject to something she seemed more interested in and we talked about that until I had to go to class. 

I went to class and it was a really interesting lesson. It was super hands on and that's my favorite type of learning so I felt like I really learned a lot. If high school me heard present me right now she would be so shocked. I HATED learning in high school, but I'm really loving it now. I like knowing things, even if they are random. Then if it ever comes up in conversation and I happen to know a lot about it I seem really smart. But not a show off because I don't talk about it all the time. I just love being smart, I love proving people wrong. I get the dumb blonde stereotype said to me A LOT so proving them wrong just feels so good!

I went to the café after class to do my shift. I clocked in, put on my apron and then started going around to tables to take orders. I went up to one table and went to take their order. 

"Hi, welcome to Pace Café, how may I-" I looked up, it was Lucas and Kim. 

They were sitting in a booth and they had all these books and folders in front of them. They were smiling and laughing about something. Then they both looked at me and Kim quickly jumped up. 

"Maya! Hi! How are you? Good? That's awesome. I'm ready to order but I prefer ordering up front, can you come help me?" Kim says quickly, leading me away from the table. 

I forget about it for a bit as I take her order and then start preparing it, but when I went to serve it to them, Lucas was gone. I set Kim's food down, confused. 

"Where did Lucas go?" I ask.

"Oh, he had to... uhm... take a call so he went home." Kim says, like he was taking calls all the time. 

"Oh, okay..." I say. 

Kim finishes her food and then waves goodbye to me before leaving the café. I finish my shift and then start cleaning up before heading home. When I get there, there's a car in the driveway that isn't Lucas's. I open the door and Kim is sitting in the kitchen with him, the books and folders out again. Kim sees me and quickly jumps up. 

"Well, Lucas, this has been fun, but I should get going now. It's getting dark. See you two tomorrow!" she says, rushing out the door. 

She closes the door behind her and I just stand there in shock as Lucas scrambles to pack up all the books and folders. 

"What's going on?" I ask, and he shoves the books and folders into a random suitcase on the floor. 

"Nothing." he says, standing up and straightening himself out. 

"Are you sure? You and Kim have been acting super sketchy today." I say, tucking my hair behind my ears. 

I was embarrassed to say it out loud but I needed to make sure. 

"Maya, you know you can trust me. Nothing is going on, I PROMISE." he says, and I believe him. 

I nod, smiling and his face relaxes into a smile too. 

"Now, how was your day?" he asks, as he starts to make dinner. 

I told him all about my great class and how smart I felt, and he looked genuinely proud of me. Then he told me about the new business techniques that he and Kim learnt in their class today, which was super interesting. 

Later that night, Lucas and I were going to bed. I had just about drifted off and I rolled around as I sometimes do. But a bright light brought me out of my sleepiness. I opened my eyes to see Lucas was on his phone texting someone. 

"Who are you messaging Huckleberry? It's late." I ask, confused as I'm still half asleep. 

"Just Kim. But I'm going to sleep now as well, I just had to ask her a quick question." he says, typing one last thing before putting his phone down. 

"Oh okay, good night, I love you." I say, rolling back over. 

"I love you too." he says, laying down and putting his arm around me. 

Even though Lucas assured me nothing was happening, I couldn't help but feel the knots in my stomach as I thought about Lucas and Kim staying up late to talk to each other. But as I felt Lucas's breath steady and his arm wrap tighter around me, I knew I had nothing to worry about. 

That's the end of Chapter 31! Chapter 32 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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