Chapter 36

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Lucas and I collected our gowns and caps from reception. They were blue and super big. Then the day before graduation I prepared food for the after party that Lucas and I were throwing at our house. Kim and Johnny were invited and it was going to be so much fun. 

- Day of Graduation -

I woke up in the morning and Lucas and I changed into our gowns. I did my hair and makeup and then we put our caps on. Then we all met outside the graduation venue and all walked inside together. I was so nervous, I was gripping Lucas's hand so tight. Then we had to separate so we could go to our seats. We were put in alphabetical order of our last names so I was next to Hannah, and then next to Hannah was Lucas. So we weren't too far away, but I still felt extra nervous without being right next to him. To try and relax my nerves I searched the incoming crowd of guests and found Lucas's dad. He spotted me too and shot me a smile and a double thumbs up before sitting in his seat. We were then quietened and had to stand as the staff and senior academic lecturers entered with an academic procession. After about 10 minutes we were allowed to sit back down. 

The Vice-Chancellor came onto the stage to give her welcome speech.

"It is my distinct pleasure and honor to welcome you to this graduation ceremony of Pace University. I wish to congratulate all the 30 graduates who will be conferred with various degrees and diplomas by the Chancellor, Dr. Denis Petal this morning after satisfied the committee of examiners and senate for the awards. The College and no doubt your families are very proud of your achievements."

The speech went on for another ten minutes and then we moved on to the actual ceremony. Since there were only 30 of us in our group of graduates today we were all able to make a speech. First onto the stage was Hannah's ex boyfriend Cooper. Then it was Zay, I cheered extra loud for him. Then Johnny, I also cheered extra loud for him. Then it was Samantha, one of the cheer girls. Next was Melody, Tess and Clarissa's friend who performed my stolen song. Then it was Evelyn. Next was Kim, I cheered so loud for her that I was SURE I would have no voice tomorrow. Then it was Nathan, I haven't seen him in a while after I distanced from the group after the fight with Evelyn. Then Billie, the kinda mean scary girl from my performing arts class. Then it was Khordad, the girl who set off the smoke alarms last year for burning popcorn. Next was Elle, I cheered quite loud for her. Then it was Lucas, I practically screamed when he got handed his diploma, and then I caught Mr. Friar's eye and he looked as proud as I felt. Next was Hannah, and I realized that meant I was next. I wiped my hands on my robe as Hannah was just finishing up her speech. 

"Next we have a Performing Arts Major. She actually came to the school on a Performing Arts scholarship and has continued to amaze us with her talents every day. Please welcome Maya Hart."

I walked up to Dr. Petal and shook his hand, smiling so hard. I could hear Lucas and Kim screaming on the other side of the stage for me. He handed me my diploma and I thanked him. We smiled for a photo before I went up to the podium to give my speech. 

"Hi everyone. I actually never thought that this day would come. As the first member of my family to graduate college, I'm so thankful for this opportunity. So, thank you to everyone here who has supported me on my journey through college. This is a huge stepping stone to our futures, and I'm so thankful to have friends that I can continue on with. On a personal note, I would like to honor my mother. Who is no longer with us as of last year, she encouraged me and supported me my whole life, and her whole life. Without her, none of this would have been possible for me. As some of you may know, I'm a singer and I can safely say that my mother was my first and biggest fan. Even though she isn't here to see me graduate and hear this speech, I know she is listening from above. So thank you Mom, I love you. Thanks to everything we have learnt these past years, I am confident, we will all keep on climbing as if we are on an endless ladder to heights we've never reached before. For that reason, I urge you to make sure that you are on the ladder on which you genuinely WANT to be. Remember that it is YOUR LIFE. Today I remind you all to look into your hearts and be awake and present in the moment as you embark on your dreams. Our contribution to the world will not be measured by the money we make or the awards we receive, but rather by how we share our unique gifts with the world. And the only place to find those gifts is to look within yourself." I say, and then I do a little wave as everyone cheers and I walk back offstage and take my seat again. 

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