Chapter 26

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The next day after class Lucas and I went to the beach. We got there and just went for a walk along the sand together. Hand in hand we walked for a good 30 minutes. The sun was bright and warm and it was such a pleasant evening. The gentle ocean breeze was so nice that it made us able to walk for a while without getting tired. 

I started to get a bit hot so I took my shoes off to walk through the water. Lucas joined and I splashed some water at him. He splashed some back at me and the cool water felt so good on my skin. I ran further down the beach splashing more water at Lucas as I went and he chased after me. We were both drenched by then so we both took our shirts off and then continued to run across the beach. Eventually he caught up to me and grabbed me by the waist and threw me over his shoulder. Laughing I kicked my legs around, splashing whatever water was left on me all over Lucas, and all over me and my sports bra.

With me still on his shoulder Lucas ran further down the beach until we reached some rocks, and he gently sat me down on one. Then I got down on the sand and because we have the hearts of kids, we made a sandcastle together. And I filmed the whole thing. When we finished Lucas stepped back to admire our creation before leaning down to give me a kiss. I stopped the recording, screenshotted that moment and posted it on my Instagram. I captioned it: "Find someone who will build sandcastles with you. You're the one for me. @lucasfriar".

Then we scoured the whole beach for the perfect shell to top our castle. Eventually Lucas found one and he gave it to me as if it were a gift and I gently put it on the castle, careful not to break it. We then carved "The Castle Of M&L" onto the sand in front with a stick. 

Then as we were still filled with our playful childishness energy so I tried to teach him how to do a cartwheel. I spent almost 10 minutes just doing them to show him that it was easy. He didn't trust himself enough though and it really showed as he failed every single time he tried. 

We were both tired so we laid on a flat rock we found and just relaxed. As we basked in the sun's warmth I decided to ask him some questions to see what he thought about me. 

"Lucas, what are five things you like about me?" I ask.

"Only five? Okay well, your sparkly eyes, your warm smile, your sweet personality, your beautiful heart and your amazing nicknames." he says, and we both laugh at the last one. 

"What are four things that I like?" I ask.

"Oh easy. Fancy clothes, making fun of me, Goodwin, and almost everyone you meet because you are the kindest person I know." he says, smiling. 

"What are three things I look good in?" I ask. 

"Every item of clothing you own, every item of clothing I own, and my arms." he says, pulling me into a hug.

"What are two things I say a lot?" I ask, actually really curious about this one. 

"'Huckleberry' and 'ohmigod'." Lucas says, playfully mocking me with each word, I shoved his shoulder gently, laughing. 

"What's one thing you would change about me?" I ask, also curious about this.

"Do I have- wait no, I know exactly what I would change. And I'm going to one day. The one thing I'm changing about you is your last name." he says, looking very proud of his answer.

"How did you answer everything perfectly? Better yet, how are you perfect?" I ask, laughing. 

"You're the perfect one." he says, hugging me closer. 

The sky had begun to get dark now and there were a few stars out. So we decided to count them all. Lucas put his arm up and pointed at each one and counted 20, that was all of them, but then he turned to me and smiled.

"Oh look, 21." he said.

I giggled and we stayed on that rock until the sky was full of stars. Once the sun was fully gone we wrote our names in the sand before walking back to Lucas's car and going home. 

That's the end of Chapter 26! Chapter 27 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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