Chapter 28

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The next morning my producers had booked me for an appearance to make brighten the day's of some sick kids in Indiana. I was going to visit Beacon's Children's Hospital and sing for them because apparently most of the kids there were huge fans of mine. I was so excited to make their day. The event was tomorrow so I started packing today. I packed a couple of outfit options before telling Lucas about the trip. He told me that what I was going to do was so beautiful and he was incredibly proud of me. Which just made me feel so happy. 

I left for Indiana the next morning and when I got there I was too early so I went and took a shower and changed in my hotel room so I was as sanitary as possible. Then I kid you not, I stood in the middle of the room just doing vocal warm ups until it was time to leave because I didn't want to touch anything and be unclean. Then when we left I took a clean towel with me so I could sit on it in the Uber and stay clean. When we got to the hospital I sanitized and had a temperature check before going up to the doors. A nurse there told me that I was a surprise for the kids so I had to stay behind the door until I was announced. 

I took a quick peek through the window in the door and saw all the kids crowded around a table with a mic. They all looked very confused. I was so excited. I heard one of the nurses through the door. 

"I bet you are all wondering why you're here, right?" she said and I could hear a murmur of agreement from the kids, "well, we know some of you have been feeling pretty down this week. And something that has been making you feel better is Maya Hart's music." 

The kids let out another murmur of agreement, and I can hear they were getting more excited. 

"Well, we thought, what better way to help cheer you up then bring Maya herself here!" the nurse said and all the kids cheered. "So let's give a round of applause for Maya!"

All the kids clapped and cheered. I pushed open the doors and all the kids stopped cheering for a second, they were so shocked I was actually there. Then they started cheering even louder. Some of them started crying. 

I waved at all of them as I went over to the chair in the middle and I couldn't help but laugh. I was just so happy that they were all so happy. 

"Hey guys, I'm going to sing a couple songs for you guys, is that alright?" I ask, laughing and the kids cheer. "Alright, what's your favorite?"

They all shouted out bet u wanna and I performed it for them. After I finished the song I waited for them to stop cheering before I started to speak again. 

"On my way here I saw some of your rooms and I saw posters of me in there. Do you want me to sign them for you?" I asked, and they all screamed and ran to their rooms. 

After everyone left there was one little girl left and she was in a wheelchair, she looked up at her nurse hopefully, her nurse wheeled her over to me, smiling. 

"Hi! What's your name?" I asked.

"My name's Khloe," she says quietly. 

"Well how can I help you Khloe?" I ask, curious why she didn't go with the others. 

"I didn't have enough money for a poster. Can you sign my wheelchair wheel please? It's the only thing I have that it will stay on." she says so of course I agree and bend down to her wheel. "I just beat my cancer and the nurse says when I go home I can keep the wheel you sign."

"Of course Khloe!" I say, taking the lid off the marker. 

Facing cancer as a kid must have been terrifying for her, she was the bravest kid I've ever met. 

On her wheel I wrote, "I disagree with anyone who says you aren't brave. You are the bravest girl I have ever met. Keep shining and filling the world with love. Love from your friend Maya" before putting my signature followed by so many hearts. 

Khloe smiled at me with tears in her eyes. She was speechless so I just gave her a hug. When I felt her little arms wrap around me I knew I had done a good thing and I was so glad I did it. Then all the other kids came in and I signed their posters, giving each of them a hug as well. 

Once the huge line of kids was empty I said my goodbyes and left the room. I left the hospital just feeling so good about myself and what I did. Then they sent a picture of me while I was talking and singing to the kids and I posted it on my Instagram to thank the hospital for inviting me. I captioned it: "Thank you so much to Beacon's Children's Hospital for having me today! To all the beautiful souls I met today, I want to let you know that you will be forever in my heart and I loved meeting every single one of you! #survivors #bravekids".

My heart was warm the whole ride home and I was so thankful that I was able to make their days. Because I know that if I was a patient at that hospital and my favorite singer came to perform for me and I got a signed poster and a hug I would feel amazing. Wow, that just hit me. I'm those kids' FAVORITE singer, out of everyone in the world they chose me. It's so crazy. I think this really is my "I've Made It" moment, and I love it. It feels so special. 

That's the end of Chapter 28! Chapter 29 will be out tomorrow! Bye lovelies! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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