Worst Prisoners Evahh!

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A/N: I got some major apologising to do. I'm soooo sorry for not updating this one-hell-of-a-story in like two months. I had exams! IMPORTANT EXAMS. But the bad thing is I had so much free time and I spent it watching anime or Kdramas!

I hope you guys can forgive me and this lame chapter. Haven't written anything in like two months. So my grammar is gonna be as good as my five year old sister.

Also next update I'll answer all the questions since there are so many

demonedangels I'll be answering none of your questions since there's like a hundred of them. Maybe I'll answer like two. If I'm feeling generous.


Chains clamped over wrists and ankles. Clothes tattered. Dirt everywhere. Powers drained. The three sat in the prison cell...

...Eating from a buffet.

A cooked pig with an apple stuffed up it's mouth lay as the centre piece of this perfect buffet that must of been real expensive. Red wine was poured into chalices. Exotic fruit was placed on delicate china. Cake of all sorts were decorated beautifully and they stood tall and really big. Meat of all sorts surrounded the colossal pig. Freshly cooked vegetables as a side dish. Some simple soup too!

Two guards sat on their knees, whimpering in fear, well more like one did whilst the other sat happily watching the two savages and a gentlemen in chains rip open the pig with their carnivorous teeth.

"Mmm... Man this is the best meat ever!" Natsu hummed as he dug his claws into the pigs throat.

"Might I say, it's quite exquisite." Rogue said as he sipped some wine from the chalice.

"Yes! *chew* this is *chew* delicious *chew*." Erza said as she took another bite from her of her favourite strawberry cheesecake that the author of this fanfic hates.

So basically Erza threatened her own prison guards to go uptown to some fancy restaurant and order everything as a take away and bring it to her cell.

The readers probably think that's impossible but this is Erza we're talking about. *sigh*

Once the food was finished the three set their eyes on the two "scrawny" prison guards. (No, they weren't going to eat them. But you never know with these guys)

"What's your name." Erza asked politely although that glint in her eyes said otherwise. Filled with menace and annoyance from being in the cell she gave off a cold and chaotic aura.

A/N: wait for it... I won't regret doing this...


"My name is Nagisa. And he's Rei-Chan!" Said the cute kid who didn't seem scared at all. The other however mustered up some courage and... pushed up his glasses. At least he moved unlike the shivering from fear, that he was doing previously.

"Where are we?" Natsu asked as he licked the remaining wine from his lips.

The two looked at each other before turning back.

"May I add that you two will also lose your pathetic lives when we escape, if you don't speak now." Rogue voice was low and quiet and the author would describe him as being fucking hot right now. (Sting you lucky!)

"We can't. We have orders. We weren't even supposed to leave before!" Rei muttered.

"So what do you guys do with your lives? Got any dreams or hopes?" Natsu said completely changing the subject.

"We... We wanna... Erm..." Rei stuttered as he waved his hands around trying to explain. The three titled their heads at him in confusion whilst Nagisa grinned.

"We wanna swim!" Nagisa said proudly.
Rei sighed in relief.

"Well if you reveal information about what is going on. I will allow you to swim as much as you want in the Ice Nation." Rogue said.

"Yes, we're not asking you to release us. We just wish to have some info about this place. Since if you released us you'd be killed!" Erza said bluntly.

They sat in silence for a while since Nagisa and Rei went out to discuss what they should do. Which was really rare since they were quite spontaneous. Rogue and Natsu heard every word they said whilst Erza ate her remaining cake.

They finally came in as they sat before the three with their voices hushed.

"Alright... but this is all we know..."


"Rogue! Rogue! Where are you!" Sting voice ragged and his breathing hitched.

Sting dropped onto his knees and grabbed his shirt. His pulse broke the sound barrier since it was going insanely fast. His eyes were puffy trimmed with red. He looked like he just got beaten up by bullies.

Instead he had been looking for Rogue for the last three days and went looking into the dangerous forest him and Rogue passed. Some man-eating exceeds and carnivores bunnies chased him. Some trees gave him a few slaps to the face and since their leaves were poisonous, Sting had a few rashes.

He looked like a mess. His usual hot self was nowhere to be seen but the author still thinks he looks H.O.T!

Sting collapsed to the ground and stared up to the sun.

"Rogue... It's gonna get dark soon..." He breathed heavily, his throat seemed blocked. His vision was getting blurry "I'm scared. Come back to me..."

A figure appeared before Sting and knelt down before him.

"Don't worry dude. We'll find them both. We'll find my genius, queen of England- like brother and my awesomely hot badass husband!"

Sting looked up to see two familiar sapphire blue orbs and a grin.

A/N: this story is supposed to be more comical than romantic and tragic. Im doing all three. Cuz who doesn't like romance with a whole load of tragedy!

Anyways I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I'll update ASAP. (Not in two months. Hopefully way earlier!)

This is the last major arc of this story, after that, some romance and that's it. But we can talk about that another time.

Next update will also be me answering the questions if you got anything to add. Ask anymore questions now.

That's is. Sasusama will now be going.

Sayonara. ^_^

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