I don't want to but I'll say 'I do' for the sake of cake

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Has anyone watched episode 27 of the new fairytail. OMFG. Funniest epsiode ever. OMG frosch is so cute tho!!!! As you can see in the pic. Rogue is forever scarred. XD. LOOOL. He's only supposed to see stings ya know but I guess ichiya is the first one.
"But Rogue, I don't wanna marry him. He'll make me really unhappy and my life will be so boring after I marry him. I can't flirt with anyone. Make out with girls. Not him whose a guy. And he's so rude. He's never nice to me." I sniffled, crying all over Rogue.

"Gray. I have not a clue what to say. You have my deepest condolences, if he is that horrible." Rogue whispered.

"He's worse than horrible. He's got a cold heart and he's from a place that really hot, ya know." I exclaimed.

"Then melt his heart." (In memory of hanlovespasta melting Gray. Now that was a good story.)

"I'll... I'll try. Okay." I said, trying to reassure myself. And with that he left.
I was dressed in a pure white suit with a silver tie. I smelled like pineapples and kiwis because my maid decided she wanted me to smell fruity on my wedding day. My shoes were shiny black and I could see my hot face on them. Also my shirt was an ashy grey colour, and it reminded me of the soot that was everywhere in the Fire nation. I looked myself up and down in the mirror, whilst my maid made the finishing touches. I looked great but it was a real pity I was getting married to a jerk.

"Ahh. It's all finished." Said Yukino sighing.

"Thanks it looks great. But seriously. What up with the fruity smell." I asked.
"He'll love your smell that he'll get wet right at the alter." She said winking.

"I thought my natural scent was enough to do that." I replied winking back.

Erza Scarlet burst through the door, and her bridesmaid outfit was already in tatters. (Bridesmaid. What bride tho?? XD)

"Erza Scarlet." I asked her astonished.

"I got in a fight with a couple of Ice nation scum. I beat the crap out of them." She said smugly, smirking.
Erza Scarlet is one the soldiers in the Fire nations military and a my worst nightmare. I heard she's second in command of the royal army in the Fire Nation. She has scarlet hair hence why her surname is Scarlet. She had dark eyes that you will notice if you stare at her long enough. Well no one, who's her enemy has lived to tell the tale. She unlike most people over there who have dragon slaying magic. She had requip magic which means she can change to any armour real quick. Her name is feared everywhere in this nation and also the Ice nation. She comes to the Ice Nation a lot to maintain the peace. That's how I know her and sadly, I think we are friends.

"Come on. It's starting." She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room, Yukino shuffling behind us. She started making some random turns in the palace called "Il Primo Mavis" (A/N: I should of named the palace before. The one in Firenze btw). She pushed open the main door. which was colossal and I still wonder how she had the strength to open it. It was normally open so people didn't have to open it but today it was closed for the wedding. The light hit my eyes and I squinted as I saw the thousand of people waiting outside the outer gate. The people were outside the other gate and the wedding was inside that gate. I was forced to stay there as I waited for the wedding to start.

I scanned the premises and saw that everything was red on one side and blue the bother side. The blue side: the flowers were lavenders and blue bells. I could vaguely smell the strong scent as it was picked up in the wind. The chairs were covered in a light blue ribbon. On each table on the far side, a bottle if champagne and some white roses were placed gently in the middle. The floor was sprinkled lightly with a few silver pieces of confetti. Not too much. The Blue side said the words calm and quite like the snow as it rained down softly to the earth.

The Red side was the completely the opposite. The roses hung on the gates and the thorns stuck out, screaming 'Don't touch me. I'm too beautiful'. The floor was covered in red poppies and pink hearts and it looked like it was sending an aura of romance. The tables were full of white roses all in prolonged vases, partnered in fire. Ribbons in red and gold were tied everywhere, draping some chairs and tables.

This side red side showed the passion and romance and beauty of love whilst the blue showed the light and delicate side of love. In the middle there was a long 'purple carpet' (It'd be unfair if it was red) went to the altar. The altar itself was big. It had a small foot rest in the middle and towering over it was a book rest, with a gold bible sitting on it. The floor was tiled and the sides were gates with flowers looping the holes.

Everyone stood from there seats as they saw me approach. The wedding song, started being played on the piano and I always had hoped the day id hear that it'd be me getting married with some pretty girl.
I looked to my left and saw him standing there, my face falling as I saw him.
"You ready or what?" He said, not even glancing in my direction once. He wore a black suit with a red rose in his pocket. He wore a white shirt and had a tie hanging from his neck. I faintly smelled peaches and apricots; did we use both use fruity shampoos? I was going to have a word with Yukino after the wedding.

I started walking down the aisle, Natsu walking by my side. I saw him starting at his mom and she gave him a look and a gesture to hold my hand. He kept shaking his head and bulging his eyes at her. So I did the smart thing. I grabbed his hand and carried on walking. He tensed the second I touched his hand but he relaxed after seeing his mothers face.

Once we got to the altar we both kneels down on the foot rest and the priest started speaking.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together these two men in holy Matrimony..."
(I feel like I offended the whole wedding thing by writing two men. Cuz I'm pretty sure gay marriage is not allowed in a church. Sorry!!)

I had already zoned out. I was staring at Natsus hands that were placed in front of him resting next to the bible. He had a ring on his ring finger, like he was mocking me. His right hand had a scar running from the index to the thumb. I was about to ask how he got it, when I remembered the priest was speaking and I was getting married.

"... As long as both shall live?" The priest asked me, shaking me out of dream world.
"Erm. What? Wait is this the part I say I do? Oh then yeah. I do. Probably. I'll try. But I don't like him." I exclaimed. The priest looked at me, giving me a disapproving look before asking Natsu the same question.

"I don't want to, but I'll say 'I do' for the sake of cake." He said with a bored look on his face.
And with that we both shoved the rings into the others finger as hard as we could, trying to hurt each other on our wedding day. Weren't we a great couple.

"You may know kiss the bride. Oh no, I mean husband. Oh for gods sake you know what I mean."
"Who's the husband?" We both asked the priest in unison.
"Which is the Uke?" He asked
"What kind of priest asks that"
"What kind of priest knows what a Uke is?" We asked.
"He is." I said before Natsu. I leaned forward, looking right and kissed him, before he could protest.

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