My Bae wants to Kill Me!

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"Here." Someone grabbed my arm and helped me up. I was still groggy from being bit on the head from a glass bottle. I rubbed the part of my head that was hit with a freaking glass bottle! Ow that hurt! I got up groaning in total agony. As I stood up I noticed the Grays chair thrown forward and the doors wide open. I took in my surroundings and heard screaming outside. When I remembered that someone was here with me.

I looked over to see a smirk on the Fire Nations most wanted criminal.

He had a scar that sliced through his eye. His skin was tanned and burgundy coloured hair was sticking out of his head. He wore a white clock that was rimmed blue, over his armour and some worn out boots. His smile widened more so I could see two sharp canines, that looked as though they could cut right through me. A purple, slimy, scaly snake slithered around his body and propped it's diamond head on the mans shoulder.

"Cobra. The Poison Dragon Slayer. The previous Lieutenant of the Fire Nation. Why are you here?" I whispered in a menacing tone.

I tried to keep in my pain and hurt and contain all the anger I had for Cobra. He used to be one of the only people in this world who understood me but then like everyone else; he betrayed me. It's because of him that I had serious trust issues.

"Cobra-san, what's a friend?" Asked a six year old Natsu. He was playing in the colossal garden in front of the palace. Lieutenant Cobra had offered to look after him. He was around 16 then and he cared deeply for Natsu.

"A friend is someone you care deeply for and you would do anything for them. You'd never break a promise and you'd always trust them." Cobra said softly. Natsu grinned a toothy smile at him.

"Then are you my friend?" He asked.

"Why of course I am." Cobra said patting Natsu on the head.

"Promise!" Natsu elongated the 'I' making Cobra coo over how cute he was.

"Promise!" Cobra assured.

"Your father, my previous master sent me here. I will be freed from Tartarus if I do this job well." He sneered at me. Tartarus was where demons and the worst criminals were sent. It was worse than a normal prison. Even those in the Ice nation sent there rogues there.

It was the ultimate hell.

"By the way, if you care about your little husband..."He said mockingly and winked at me. I growled at him and forced myself not to lose control and turn in to Dragon mode. "Well if you care, I suggest you go to him now but I doubt he'd wanna see your face. He'd probably kill you."

I ran out of the room and used my amazing sense of smell to find Grays horrible stench. It wasn't that hard to find! Whilst I ran Cobras words played over in my head in repeat. What did he mean Gray wanted to kill me?

I ran into the Throne room and saw a sight that should've amused me. The royals and the higher ups of the Ice nation were a bit of a tangle. They were either getting beaten up or trying to stay alive. However for my Zia Ur; she was unconscious and there was quite a bit of blood round her head.
Some random dude in armour was holding a knife at the queens neck and Gray had a dark blue aura surrounding him. Ice formed everywhere.
He was turning into a demon.

His pupils and the white of his eyes had turned pure black. Blue aura had surrounded him and his ears elongated. He brought out his weapon and charged right at me.
"I'm going to kill anyone who dare harms my kingdom."

A/N: sorry I didn't update in so long. Exams! Anyways. Everything will properly be explained in the next chapter. So sorry if it confused you. :):)*

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