I won the fight for dominace

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Woo. This story's finally gotten a 1K. Yay.
"Gray? Gray, are you listening to me?" My mother screamed in my ear. "I'm telling you, you need to remember that once every year after you hit puberty, you will have an immense increase of hormones and you will turn into demon form and you won't be able to control yourself. This is simple demon knowledge. Gray? You need to know this!"

I gasped and sat up. My breathing was heavy and I scanned the room. The room was a mess. The back board of the bed was cracked like an egg on either side of the bed. The covers of the bed were shredded into pieces. The windows was broken and the glass pieces clustered the floor like confetti. The drawers were burnt and charred as thought it was burnt. The ceiling was frozen and ice hung like stalactites and was sharp enough to use as a weapon. Natsu was sprawled on the bed, snoring his life away with his hand entangled in with mine.

My eyes widened as I tried to recall what happened last night. I gulped and shook Natsu, trying to wake him. He moaned and turned in his sleep and ended up with his head in my lap. So I did the simplest thing that came to my mind. I slapped him hard.
He yelled and shot right up as though he was electrocuted. He looked at me, his eyes squinting and then at the room.

"Wow. Don't tell me we..." He said
"It looks as though this was more than a battle. It was probably... you know." I muttered.

I dragged myself up from the bed and trudged along the dangerous floor. I pushed back the drawer and I searched for some clothes. I grabbed a t shirt and some jeans when I heard Natsu yell in pain. A look of anger and shock crossed his face. Hardly any pain.

"My legs are agonising and I don't even want to know why!" He attempted to get up but fell again. I threw him some clothes and helped him up. He muttered a thank you and blushed slightly. So. I was on top. Go me. I'm guessing I won that battle yesterday;).
We stepped on the floor, making sure we didn't stand on glass and we left the room. We both trudged towards the lift and I pressed the button and we waited at the lift arrived. When it had finally arrived we tumbled in and Natsu crawled over probably still in pain. I grabbed his arm and pulled him in before the door shut on him.

"Sorry about last night. Demons go crazy. I'm sorry if I hurt you badly. But I got a bruise on my neck. So, that evens it out. But seriously, where did I get that from?" I asked, rubbing on the part that hurt. Natsus eyes widened and he looked away, pink dusting his cheeks.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." The door dinged open and we walked out, Natsu walking a bit better.
"My lords, are you leaving so soon?" The receptionist asked, with fake sadness.

"Yes!" We yelled in unison causing him to jump. We passed him the keys and he hooked it back on it's peg.
"Your luggage will be brought to you in the palace. Which one may I ask?"

"The Ice nation." Natsu answered. I looked at him with a puzzled expression. "I can't deal with my mom now." The man nodded in response.

"By the way. My father will pay all the expenses for the destroyed room. I apologise but we had a fight last night and it got way out of hand." The mans face fell but he nodded again.
As we walked out, walking towards the docks I whispered into Natsus ear. "I won that fight!" And I received a punch.

Ice nation palace:

The emperor and empress sat on their throne with solemn and straight faces.
The rooms floor like always was covered in ice and snow. But it depended on the emperors mood how it looked. Today however the ice stuck up from the floor like daggers and spears. They all pointed in one direction.

At a guest.

"So, the rumours were true, Ultear?" Silver asked the guest.
"Yes. I apologies for that. But might I add that these days I go by the name Ur." She replied. She had a long cloak and a hood draped over her. It was as black as night.

"So my real son is dead." Inverno whimpered, holding a handkerchief over her mouth.

"I was deeply saddened that it had to come to that. I knew I was going to be driven out of the Nation and your son had died. So I thought that id give you my own. Give him a better life. So you wouldn't suffer as I did. I'm sorry." Ur said bowing her head slightly.

"Do not apologise. It is I who should be sorry. Thank you by the way." She whispered.
"Then where is the other one?" Silver asked curiously. Loathe and hatred filled Ur's eyes.

"You took him. You took my little Ryos!" She screeched. That's when footsteps echoed the hall and Rogue appeared at the entrance of the Throne room.
"My lord. My lady. Natsu and Gray will be returning today." He said bowing as he entered. He briskly glanced at Ur and then glanced again. He grabbed his locket that hung on his neck and snapped it open. He looked at the locket and then at Ur three times till Ur sighed heavily.

"Can't you figure out that I'm your mother?" She asked. Rogues eyes widened and he gaped at her.
"Wait. It's him. He was under my nose this whole time. No wonder. He did remind me of Romeo!" Silver exclaimed.

"So he is the true heir to the throne." Inverno claimed.
"What!" Rogue said.

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