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"Soon, Hiccup and Astrid reached Berserker Island. When they landed, they were greeted by Daguer and Heather.

"Brother! So nice to see you again!"

"Nice to see you too brother."

"Hey Astrid."

"Hey Heather."

Hiccup and Astrid got off their dragons.

"So, what seems to be the issue?" Astrid asked.

"Well, Fishlegs and the gang arrived here on Beserker island, looking for you." Heather said.


"Yes, we tried to ask them but they kept their mouth shut! I was having the urge to make them talk using the old Beserkian way!" Daguer said.

Hiccup and Astrid took a glance at each other with worry.

"And did you?"

"Of course not!" Daguer said.

"You would have if I didn't stop you." Heather added.

Astrid and Hiccup were relieved. They didn't get hurt.

"Any who, you should put your helmets on before anyone sees you."

Astrid and Hiccup put their helmets on and followed the two siblings to the campsite, where Fishlges and the gang were.


Soon they arrived.

Heather and Daguer were the first people the gang saw.

"Heather! Did they reply?" Fishlegs said.


The two siblings revealed two figures.

They were wearing some-sort of armor, they have never seen it before. It looked like scales. The first figure had a predominantly blue color, with occasional golden-yellow scale highlights while the second had a predominantly black color. They were covered from head to toe.

The gang were shaken. Why would Heather invite these two people to them! Were they trying to get rid of them?

"Uh... Heather... Where's Astrid...." Snotlout muttered.

Hiccup laughed.

Heather and Daguer were watching everything trying to hold in their laughter.

"You mutton heads! It's me!"

Astrid took off her helmet and revealed her face. It was a familiar sight to see.

The gang sighed in relief.

"But, who is that?" Snotlout asked pointing at Hiccup.

Astrid wanted to say something but Ruff said it first.

"Isn't that the dragon Master? I mean did you forget? Astrid ran away with the dragon Master, didn't she?"

"So true dear sister." Tuff said.

"So, why did you guys need to see me?" Astrid asked.

The gang kept quiet. But, Fishlegs decided to break the silence.

"The chief wants to see you. We were instructed to get you two months ago but, it's almost been two months and have only searched half of the entire archipelago. So, we decided to get help from Heather and Dagur."

"Me? What does he want from me?"

"We don't know. I think he wants to talk to you about the who run away with the dragon Master thing. He didn't seem to happy when he found out you ran away."

"Well, I'm not going, you can't force me to either!" Astrid said.

"Astrid please! You know I hate to beg! We don't know what he will do if we come back after two months empty handed!" Ruff practically pleaded.

"He won't do anything, he's your chief."

The gang didn't know what to say. Astrid was the stubborn type. But, Hiccup might have an idea to convince her.

"M'lday, may I have a word with you."

Astrid turned to Hiccup.

The two headed to a place a bit further from the gang, where no one could see them.


"So? What is it?"

"I think you should really consider."

"Consider? What's there to consider? It's obviously a trap to get me to stay on Berk."

"But what if they really get hurt? Their your friends, like you said before, you wanted to protect them from danger. Going to Berk might be the way."

"Hiccup, it's obviously a trap! We're walking right in it!"

"Then we're walking in the trap. Astrid please, you might be their only hope."



Soon the couple came back.

"Let's go, we're heading back to Berk." Astrid announced.

The gang looked in amazement. The dragon Master really could do anything!

"Well, what are you waiting for, let's go!" Astrid said putting on her helmet as she ran to Stormfly.

Everyone else immediately followed.


Soon, they left Beserker island.

"Who knew just getting Hiccup and Astrid here would get them off so easily!" Daguer said."

"I got to say, Hiccup is a magical creature. Astrid is pretty stubborn but Hiccup could change her mind in just a couple of minutes!"

"So true sister, so true."

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