Our story had true love?/Chapter 2

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Scaramouche stood up as well, looking into Kazuha's eyes, not showing any feelings.
"Regret? Maybe I wish I hadn't even met you."
Scara spoke, almost like a whisper, his words insignificant but painful, without any feeling as he spoke...

"I see...I guess that's that then?"
Kazuha asked, sounding quite defeated as he looked into Scara's cold eyes, devoid of any feeling.

"I'm thankful anyways; for all the laughter, all the tears and the moments of tenderness we shared, even if it meant nothing to you in the end. I shall never forget them, in case you were wondering..."

Scaramouche smiled, his eyes still without feelings.
"It meant so much to me in the past. Sadly, it doesn't anymore."

"...May I tell you something?" 
"I think I already knew all along. That you didn't feel the same as I did... that you never did."
"So I wanted to use this time to give you what you had once given me."
"To give you something you could remember me by."
"It's the least I can do?"
Kazuha says, his cheeks are wet from tears.
"I wanted to give you a memory of happiness, so that you wouldn't forget about me."

Scaramouche smiled, he wiped Kazuha's tears away.
"Kazuha, don't waste your time with me. I'm not worthy of your kindness."
He sighed.
"You already did so much for someone who can't give that back to you."

"It's okay, I'm not expecting anything from you. I was just doing what I felt was right. I hope you remember me like I remember you, forever."
Kazuha sighed, feeling kinda sad but being honest.
"And... maybe, you didn't want anything from me, but know that I wanted everything from you. I still do..."
"That will never change, no matter how much time will pass. I cannot deny that I still care deeply for you, despite everything that has happened."

Scaramouche nodded his head, deep inside he cared for Kazuha, but he knew his work was more important.
"Very well. But if I may ask... What was the reason that we followed different paths? I never understood."

"Do you remember the first time we talked? Remember what you said about following one's own destiny?"
Kazuha chuckled slightly.
"I think you could say it was our destiny to split. I could never agree with that path of yours, and I felt like one of us had to choose what was right for them."
"Someone had to follow their heart and protect what was dear to them, that someone had to be me..If it's any consolation, I never truly let go of you."
Kazuha smiled sadly.
"You were my home."

Scaramouche looked at Kazuha, shocked in seeing his point of view.
"I was your home..."
He looked at the ground, his expression still emotionless.
"You saw me as your boyfriend, didn't you?"

Kazuha nodded slowly, looking back at Scaramouche with a weak smile.
"We had a special connection, you and I. It meant more to me than you could ever imagine."
Kazuha smiled.
"That's why I stayed by your side that day, to tell you about my feelings. I know it sounds quite crazy, but I loved you, and I still do."
He sighed, feeling sad about this, nothing was the way he wanted.
"But... our love could never be, could it...? I had to make this decision."
Kazuha looked at the ground and sighed, before looking at Scaramouche again.
"Because staying by your side would've been against everything I believe in."

Scaramouche didn't change his expression, he had no emotion at all, but deep inside he felt a lot.
"It could never be, I never saw you as something more."
He sighed.
"At least that's what I forced myself to believe."
Scara whispered.

Kazuha looked down in disappointment, but he knew what Scara had just said was true all along.
"I always tried to convince myself that I was wrong, that maybe you loved me back the same way. But I knew deep within myself that it isn't the case."
He sighed, looking at Scaramouche with a sad smile and a honest tone.
"And now I have to face the truth, that our love was destined to fail, before it even had a chance to begin... That is our fate, I suppose."

Scaramouche chuckled lightly, his eyes looking more happy than before.
"Hahaha, Oh...Kazuha..."
He kept smiling.
"You never really gave up on me, have you?"
Scaramouche looked at Kazuha once again, his gaze more serious than before.
"Fate is way too cruel for you, Kazuha. It will bring you down in many ways, now that maybe I never really saw you as something more than my friend."

"The way you look at me now... it's different. "
Kazuha looked at Scaramouche.
"Are you... finally being honest about your feelings towards me? Do you... actually care about me? Perhaps I was right to not give up on you after all."
Kazuha wiped the tears from his eyes, as he looked back up at Scaramouche.
"Did you enjoy our time together too?"
He whispered.

Scaramouche looked at him, his gaze was now softened.
He smiled and giggled, his laugh showed nostalgia and happiness.
"Hahaha... Kazuha..."
He smiled.
"I did."
He whispered back.

"I'm glad...I have always wondered why you decided to stay by my side that day."
Kazuha smiled.
"Was it because you had no one to go to, nowhere else to be... or was it because for once in your life, you wanted something that wasn't a mission?"
He wondered, looking curious, wanting to understand more, questioned things he never did before.
"You said you had no one left to care for in this world, so I can't help but wonder if I was wrong all along."
Kazuha sighed.
"If you do know what true love is..."
He looked at Scaramouche in the eyes.
"I need to know."

Scaramouche kept smiling, this was a conversation that meant a lot to him actually.
"Deep inside, I felt the urge to stay, that's why I heard everything you had to say in the past."
He sighed, looking unsure now.
"True love doesn't exist."

"I'm not so sure about that. I think I've experienced it before."
Kazuha looked back down, feeling the tears come back to his eyes as memories flood on his mind.
It was obvious that he experienced it with Scaramouche.
"You and I were always so far apart... in thoughts, opinions, ideals... everything. But despite all that, you were so precious to me."
He smiled sadly.
"Perhaps I'm just being stubborn, trying to force this relationship together...But I cannot deny that for me, you are my everything."

Scaramouche nodded, about to have flashbacks about their whole story, how they met, and every second that they spent together, he spoke.
"So you say, our story had true love in it?"
He was there, standing, looking at Kazuha, remember every moment since they first met.

Now, it was time to go through all the moments of their lives, from the moment they met until now, it was a long story, but the memories passed...

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