October 31, 1987/Chapter 9

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So it was, Scaramouche fell asleep, and Kazuha too, they both slept on top of a tree that day.
The next day, Scaramouche had just gone to his house to spend the day alone, but the day had arrived...Halloween!...

[October 31, 1987]

It was Halloween, Kazuha had Scaramouche's address, Scara worked hard and had the conditions to buy a house, so Kazuha went to his house, wanting to have fun!

Kazuha did not like to... waste time, so he decided, to visit Scaramouche, on Halloween!
He rang the door bell, waiting for his friend, to open the door and... welcome him.
He was excited, he had never visited someone in Halloween!
He hoped, that Scara would open the door, but... would he?

Scaramouche wanted to be funny, as he was always in a bad mood, so he decided to take a fake gun from the Fatui that he had, as he trained with it to join the Fatui when he would be older, and point it at Kazuha.
When he opened the door, Kazuha got scared and was about to fall to the ground, but Scaramouche grabbed him by the waist so he wouldn't fall...face to face.

Scaramouche's fake gun, made Kazuha jump.
He felt... his heart skip a bit, in that moment.
He felt, very scared.
But, when he... could think again
He looked at Scaramouche.
Their faces... were just... inches from each other.
Kazuha did not know what to say.
He just... froze.

Scaramouche laughed.
"You're so ugly you don't even need a Halloween costume."
He teased, still grabbing Kazuha by the waist.

Kazuha's face, was red.
So, he decided to tease him back, in a not so... friendly way!?
He looked back at Scaramouche.
"Oh, do you think I'm ugly!? At least, I have... a heart, unlike you!"
He said it quickly, and with a lot of... spite in it.

Scaramouche's eyes, widened a little. He was surprised, by... Kazuha's reaction.

Scaramouche was irritated, he simply let go of Kazuha and let him fall to the ground with intensity, then he closed the door of the house tightly in front of Kazuha.
Scara hated it when they mentioned the fact that he didn't have a heart in the matter, he knew that, since he was a puppet.

Kazuha was on the floor, his heart... racing.
He could not believe what he had said, he wondered, if it was... a mistake to... say that.
So, he knocked, on the door, hard.
He wanted to... apologize, he did not want Scara... to be angry at him.
"Please, let me in... I'm sorry..."
Kazuha said, with desperation in his voice.

Scaramouche didn't open the door, and probably wouldn't open it anymore.
Scara had taken some papers about work and read them, to learn more about the Fatui, since in 4 years he would join them.

Kazuha, felt... powerless.
He knew, that... Scaramouche was not going to... answer him anymore.
But, he just... did not want to give up, he had to try, harder.
He... knocked again.
"Please! I'm... sorry... I did not mean to... hurt you."
He was desperate to... fix the problem, so... he knocked once more.

Scaramouche ignored all knocks on the door, ignored Kazuha's words.

Kazuha was... worried.
It hurt, to not be... able to see Scaramouche.
He feared... that his words... hurt him, more, than he intended.
So, he knocked again.
"Please!! Open the door! I... made a mistake!!"
He was desperate, to fix, the problem, he... wanted to apologize.

Scaramouche ignored him again.
He didn't give second chances, if someone said something that hurt him, he wouldn't forgive them.
Scaramouche went through problems like this in the past, people seeing him differently, seeing him as someone heartless just because he was a puppet. It hurt him, as much as he wouldn't just admit it.
He ignored Kazuha, and would probably never speak to him again.

Kazuha did not know... what to do.
He did not want to believe, that... Scaramouche would never speak to him, again.
So, he knocked, again.
"Please, open the door!! I... messed up!"
"I... am sorry."
"I... want to help you, please, I..."
"I... need to help you, I..."
"I... need you!"

Scaramouche continued to ignore him, sitting on his couch reading papers.

Tears fell from Kazuha's eyes.
"Scaramouche, please, I... made a mistake."
"I... did not mean to hurt you."
"I... did not know, what I said... would have that effect."
"I... am sorry."
"I... am desperate to fix it."
"I cannot... handle the thought, of losing you."
"Please... you... cannot... keep, ignoring me."
"I... love you."

Scaramouche continued to ignore him, after all, he didn't want to know if Kazuha was now sorry or not.

Kazuha stayed there for a few hours, but then he remembered... Kazuha has a concert today! He has to sing in front of a bunch of people again, but... he was too sad for that, anyway... he went.

As much as he tried, Kazuha just... could not... stop thinking about...Scaramouche.
"I... messed up."
"I... lost him."
"He... did not want to talk to me, anymore."
"He... could not forgive me."
Kazuha thought.
Kazuha, did not want to sing.
But, he knew, that... if he did not... that would be, a betrayal to all his... fans.
So...He gathered his strength...
And, he performed.

When the show ended, Kazuha felt sad and horrible.
Singing didn't improve his mood, he couldn't stop thinking about Scaramouche.

Kazuha, left quickly, to his house.
He... did not want to deal, with all that... attention, he just wanted, a moment, to... cry, in peace.
He closed his door...
And, he cried...
"Scaramouche, please, come... talk to me, I... am sorry... I regret... everything, I... do not know what to do..."
He whispered to himself, with tears in his eyes.

Days passed, Kazuha was every day trying to apologize to Scara for his small mistake, sending letters, which received no response.
Trying to look for Scara when he wasn't home, which was always a failure.
Knocking on Scaramouche's door, still no response.

It was all so horrible, Kazuha spent almost 2 months without talking to Scara, it seems that Scaramouche really hated him now.
Scara spent his days training fights and reading documents, just as he always did, sometimes going to the store, but that was rare...

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