May 9, 1988/Chapter 13

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Scaramouche kept talking to Kazuha so he wouldn't be so sad, and it worked. They spent their days having fun, Scaramouche finally feeling that he has someone who truly supports him...

[May 9, 1988]

It was the day of the singing contest, Scaramouche wasn't there, but Kazuha was prepared to do his best.

Before he could start, the person assessing the participants' singing talent asked.
"Where's your partner?"

It was confusing for Kazuha, but it meant that he had to choose someone at school to sing with him, and worst of all...
He would have romantic scenarios with that person at the time of the song. Kazuha didn't like the idea, he already liked someone, so he asked to go to the bathroom.
He took his phone in the bathroom and called Scaramouche asking for help.

Scaramouche answers the phone, he was in a bad mood today.
"Why are you calling me in the day of your contest? What the fuck happened?"
He said, his voice tired.

Kazuha sighs, in a nervous and anxious tone. He was almost panicking, trying to calm himself down.
"I...." He sighed "need your help, Scaramouche. I have to choose someone to sing with me, and..."
He stopped for a second, thinking about how to put it the right way.
"It's just that I... I don't have anybody else to do this with, and..."
He paused again.
"It's kinda like a date, they would... expect something romantic..."
He muttering.

Scaramouche was vacuuming his house at the time, he stopped immediately.
"What? I'm not going to do shit to you."
He said, irritated by the idea.

Kazuha got frustrated after listening to his words.
"That's why I'm asking you, you dummy... You're my only true friend, and that's why I called you..."
"I don't have anyone else. Nobody wants to go with me, and I don't want to have a romantic scenario with a stranger from my school."
He sighed.
"If I don't choose someone, I can't go ahead with the singing contest. I've been preparing for this day for months now."
He said, in an anxious tone.

Scaramouche sighed, he didn't like this.
"Nobody wants to go with you and neither do I."
He was clearly in a horrible mood.
"Do I look like I wanna have a fucking romantic scenario with you?"

"No, no, I get it, I know you wouldn't be comfortable, but please... I can't do it with someone else... I don't even know them well. I don't even know their names."
"Please, Scaramouche, it's the only thing I'll ever ask for you."
He said, in a calm and sad tone. He sounded really desperate, wanting to get Scaramouche to accept his request to be his partner in the singing contest.

Scaramouche sighed in anger, Kazuha could hear the door of Scara's house closing with agressivity in the call.
"Ok, just shut the fuck up, I'm coming already."

Kazuha's eyes became wide open, almost like if what he heard was impossible to believe.
"Huh?! S-Really...?"
He asks, in a shocked tone.
"You'll be my partner?"
"Thank you, Scaramouche..."
He said, happily after having heard him accept his request.
"I'll be waiting for you in the school. Meet me there in 10 minutes."
He said, and he hang up.
"He's coming..."
Kazuha mumbled, smiling and blushing to himself.

After a while, Scaramouche got there and opened the door, he already knew what song Kazuha was going to sing so it wasn't a complication.
Scaramouche went to the internship with Kazuha, he had an angry expression.

Kazuha's teachers and contest leaders looked at Scaramouche and asked.
"You're not from that school, are you?"

Scaramouche looked at them, irritated.
"No, I don't study in fucking schools, I'm not stupid."
He said in an irritated tone.

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