Chapter 2: Broken Promises and a Blackened Heart

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( ^ Pic of Star Gazer, credit to owner. Also this chapter is pretty long, sorry)

4 years later, Cyra is 14

"Wake up Crya." Someone yelled from outside my tent.

I just groaned and rolled over, putting my pillow over my ear to block out the nose.

"Cyra!" The voice yelled louder, "Your uncle is waiting and he isn't being very patient."

"Fine!" I groaned as I ripped my pillow off of my face. " I'm awake!"

Not happy that I was woken up, I pulled myself out of bed and got ready for the day. I wore a black tank top, brown pants that went to my knees, and a dark blue jacket since it was Fall and it was getting chilly. After that I tied my hair back in a bun and walked out of my tent with another groan.

Ever since I've started my training, my life has become harder and I don't get much free time. At first, Uncle's fighting lessons and dad's business classes were fun, but as I got older, they have become more strict and give me a crap ton of work to do. I have read all dad's business books so many times I could recite them off the top of my head, and I normally leave Uncle Ryker's fighting lessons covered in bruises and scars from intense drills.

Even though it was difficult with my tough training, in the end it was worth it. Dad was proud of me, and everyone called me the perfect daughter of Viggo Grimmborn. In my opinion, no one was perfect, but it helped the dragon hunters immensely and dad would always reward me for the hard work. Sometimes it was a free day, and others it was a chance to come along on a mission. I didn't like watching dragons get put in cages, but I was never forced to help and I liked getting off the island.

Even with the encouragement and the rewards, it was still hard. Thankfully, I had Star Gazer to help me through it.

I lazily made my way over to the arena, if you can call it that. In reality, it was just a large hole in the ground with a long slope leading into it. I walked in and grabbed a gronkle iron sword on my way past. I had grown out of the training sword Uncle Ryker gave me 4 years ago, and it was in disrepair, so I would just use one of the swords that were provided for the hunter.

Once I had my weapon, I walked up to Uncle Ryker, who was waiting for me with a sour look on his face.

"What took you so long?" Uncle Ryder asked in a frustrated tone.

"I was asleep." I said, holding the sword up on my shoulder with the other hand on my hip.

Uncle Ryder muttered something that sounded like "excuses" before walking to the edge of the arena and got his dual swords. As the bald man got older, his bad attitude has gotten tremendously worse. It's part of the reason my training was so harsh. He also grumbled about dad giving him orders and what not. I don't blame him though, he is the older brother being bossed around by his little brother.

I was pulled away from my train of thoughts by Uncle Ryker explaining today's lesson, "Today we're going to work on sword fighting in a real fight."

I just glared at the bald me, showing my rebellious teen side, and got into battle stance.

"Guess Star Gazer is gonna have to wait on that flight I promised her." I thought.

Some of the dragon hunters in the area stopped what they were doing and came over to watch what was about to happen. A few of them gave me smiles and thumbs up as encouragement, but I know it was just false hope. There was no way with my small stancher and weak arms I had any chance to win a battle against someone like Uncle Ryker.

Suddenly, an idea came to me. I wasn't strong, but I was a small target and had quick feet. Maybe I could use my strengths to my advantage instead of using my weakness. Taking this to mind, I took a deep breath and waited for Uncle Ryker to take the first swing.

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