Chapter 9: Traitors and Allies Part 2

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(Continuation from the last chapter, takes place in Maces and Talons Part 2. The song is what I was listening to for the first part of writing this, and I thought it helped the mood.)

After a few hours to rest and regroup (and massacring all the trees in sight to get my anger out), we went back to Viggo's ship to look for clues. We looked everywhere, but found nothing. Frustrated, I started tearing the room apart. After a few minutes, I stopped to take a breath, and in the background, I heard Fishlegs say, "Viggo and the hunter escaped, it's almost like they vanished when they went into the fog bank."

This didn't help my mood. I quickly flipped a table near me before stomping over a nearby wall and sitting down. Hiccup looked at me for a moment, as though making sure I wouldn't destroy the place more.

"I'm worried about Heather." Astrid admitted.

"I know Astrid, we all are." Hiccup replied.

"Hey, on the bright side, at least we don't have the dragon eye." Tuffnut said.

"Hey, imagine if Viggo got his hands on it." Ruffnut added.

"Your right, the dragon eye is still at the Edge." Hiccup said worriedly, "Unguarded."

"Oh no! We need to get back!" Astrid said.

Before I had a chance to react, Hiccup grabbed my head and dragged me out of the room. It took me a second to figure out what was going on, so I just jumped on Star Gazer and got ready to fly. Once we were in the air, I figured things out, and started flying at full speed to the Edge.

When we got there, we found the island was trashed. Most of the huts were in shambles, wood and other minerals littered the ground, and some of the ladders and staircases were broken. There was also brown stuff everywhere, which I learned was from the twins boar pit. Gross!

"Look at this." Fishlegs said, "I feel violated." 

"This was the last part of Viggo's plan." I said angrily, throwing my helmet off.

"Lead us away so the rest of the hunters and armada could stay behind and come after the dragon eye." Hiccup explained, "How did we not see it?!"

We quickly looked around for the dragon eye, but it wasn't here. 

"What do we do now?" I thought, "The dragons Viggo will hurt."

Suddenly, my mind flashed back to the day Viggo made me kill that nadder. They look in the poor things eyes, the anger from Viggo and Ryker. When my mind flashed back to present time, my heart was racing and I was breathing heavily. I quickly calmed myself before anyone noticed, not wanting to draw attention to myself. We had more important things to worry about.

"It's gone." Hiccup concluded, "They took the dragon eye."

"Are you sure you put it away after you got it back from the twins?" Snotlout asked.

Everyone gave Snotlout a confused look, except for the twins, who looked guilty as sin. 

"Got it back from the twins? What are you talking about?" Hiccup asked.

Snotlout quickly started rattling on, attempting to lead us away. After a few minutes, he realized that there was no way out and gave in. Him and Tuffnut lead us to the other side of the island, where their hideout was located. The twins showed it to me on their tour of the edge, most likely because they were trying to impress me. Their attempt didn't work, but I did have a strange feeling that the cave had its secrets.

"I keep telling myself this," I thought as we walked into the cave, "Listen to you fucking gut!"

I was stunned as I looked around the cave. The cave was a mess, broken objects were abandoned on the floor, weapons were scattered everywhere or lodged into things, and puddles of strange liquid covered the floor. 

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