Chapter 5: The legends of The Chaos Rider

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Hiccup's POV

We all sat there in shock as the strange dragon rider flew into the clouds and out of sight. For a few moments, everyone was quiet until Snotlout yelled, "That was awesome!"

"I don't know who that person is, but I like them!" Ruffnut said.

"How could you not!" Tuffnut replied to her brother, "Did you see the way they destroyed that ship!"

"And did it look like they flipped the hunter off." Fishlegs asked, who wasn't a fan of cussing.

"They did." Heather said, "I could recognize the middle finger from a mile away after my time with the hunters."

"Who do you think that was, Hiccup?" Astrid asked, but got no response.

"Hiccup?" Astrid repeated, flying over to me and Toothless. 

I hadn't moved an inch, hundreds of questions running through my head. Who was that dragon rider? Where did they come from? Why were they wearing a mask? Was that a night fury they were riding? 

"Hiccup!" Astrid yelled, snapping me out of my trance.

"Is everything alright?" Astrid asked.

"Ya, just a lot of questions." I replied.

"You're not the only one." Fishlegs said.

"Why don't we follow them and get some answers then?" Snotlout said, smiling devilishly.

"Ya, I wasn't to meet him in person." Ruffnut said.

"Let's go!" Tuffnut added.

Snotlout and the twins started to fly in the direction the dragon rider went, but I quickly flew in front of them and stopped them.

"We are not following them." I said sternly.

"Why not?" Snotlout complained.

"First of all we don't know who that dragon rider is." I said.

"Hiccup's right." Heather said, "We don't know if they are friend or foe."

"And from their attack on the ship, I don't think we want to become enemies with them." Astrid added.

"Exactly." I said. "So until we can find out more about this new dragon rider, we keep our distance. Got it?"

"Fine." Snotlout grumbled while the twins pouted like little kids.

"So what do we do now?" Fishlegs asked.

"We're still going to Berk." I said, "Besides, I think my dad should know about this."

*Time skip because I'm losing too many brain cells*

Once we got to Berk, we dropped the dragons off at the training arena before heading to the great hall. When I walked through the large doors, I was greeted by my father's booming voice and a bone crushing hug.

"Hiccup! It's good to see you." Dad smiled.

"Good to see you too, dad." I groaned.

I let out a sigh of relief as dad put me down as I could breathe again. Once I caught my breath, I followed dad to the table where Gobber and the rest of the council were sitting.

"So, how are things on the edge and with Viggo?" Dad asked as he sat down.

"There haven't been any attacks on the edge lately, and so far other than a few hunter ships, nothing much from Viggo." I explained.

"Good to hear." Dad said.

"Surprised everything is so peaceful." Gobber said as he took a drink from his mug.

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