Chapter 10: The not so crazy Berserker

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Cyra/Chaos's POV

It's been a few months since the battle with Viggo. So far, everything's been peacful. Nothing from the dragon riders, no ships to be found, and no signs of Viggo. It was weird.

Thankfully, my wound was fully healed, meaning I could now go look for Viggo myself. I know I should be taking it easy after a hit like that, but Viggo was more dangerous than ever. With the dragon eye, he could learn all sorts of dragon secrets and use them to hunt and kill innocent dragons.

Right now, Star Gazer and I were flying from island to island, looking for any signs of the hunters. It was noon, and we had been doing this since sunrise. Let's just say, Star Gazer was being a little shit.

"Come on girl." I said to Star Gazer, "I know you're tired, but we need to keep going."

Star Gazer grumbled in annoyance, refusing to fly any faster than a snail can crawl. I groaned, knowing I did this to myself. I was the one who pushed Star Gazer and myself out here. I sighed and gave in.

"How about this?" I suggested to the stubborn Star Fury, "The next island we find, we can stop at for food, water, and a nap. What do you say?"

Star Gazer liked the sound of that plan and started flying faster. After about 30 minutes of flying, an island appeared in the distance. I grabbed my spyglass and looked through it at the island. It was a decent size with some thick forests, perfect for getting food and taking a break.

"Well, that island looks as good as any." I said, putting my spyglass away, "Let's get a closer look."

Star Gazer flew full speed towards the island. As we flew over, I saw the island was filled with caves and rivers. How it was uninhabited was a surprise to me. Why are there no people on this island?

Before I had a chance to react, my question was answered. An arrow flew past my head and before I had a chance to react, Star Gazer fired a plasma blast and flew above the island. After a few seconds, I found my bearings and looked around for whoever attacked me. We were now on the other side of the island, and now I could see there was a ship docked on the shore. It was crawling with dragon hunters, and they were all running around frantically.

"What are those dumbasses doing now?" I muttered as Star Gazer flew into the trees so we wouldn't be seen.

Slowly, the Star Fury and I creeped up to the edge of a cliff overlooking the hunters ship. There were enough trees and shade to hide us, and from that point, I could hear what the leader was yelling about.

"We can't find them sir." A nervous hunter reported.

"They didn't get away." The leader growled, "I saw the dragon go down myself. Gather more men and double back. And check the caves. We're not leaving until we find the rider and that Night Fury!"

"Night fury?" I thought, before panic awakened, "Shit, they're talking about Hiccup and Toothless!"

I needed to find them, and fast. If Night Furys acted the same with those arrows as Star Furys, Toothless would be immobilized and Hiccup would be defenseless. And with an entire ship of dragon hunters looking for them, they would definitely need help.

"Come on Star Gazer." I said, getting on her back, "We need to find them before the hunters do."

Star Gazer grunted in response before turning around and flying into the dense trees where we wouldn't be seen. We swiftly made our way around the island, doing our best to avoid hunters.

After a few minutes, I saw something in the corner of my eye. I quickly pulled on Star Gazer's saddle, making the dragon stop and turn around in confusion. Star Gazer walked in cautiously as we found a cave surrounded by unconscious dragon hunters.

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