Chapter 7: Meeting the Dragon Riders

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(Sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I started my freshman year a few months ago and I've been really busy. And it doesn't help that this is a secret account. I'll try to get more chapters out, but it will be a while. Also, I know in one of the last chapters I intruded Heather and I now see that doesn't make sense. Please just pretend she wasn't there, I'm too lazy to rewrite it. Anyway, let the chaos begin)

Cyra/Chaos's POV 

Early the next day, I was woken up by the sound of growling and squawking. I rolled over and saw Star Gazer growling at a group of baby nadders. I chuckled as the babies jumped around and the cave, Star Gazer close behind them. It was normal for dragons to peak in or look around, and even though I didn't mind, Star Gazer was never happy to have guests.

As I sat up and stretched, I watched the mother fly in and snatch one of the hatchlings in her beak. The mother nadder put the baby down in front of her and started squawking angrily at the other babies. The hatchlings, realizing that they were in trouble, rushed over to their mom. Once she was sure all the babies were present, the mama nadder gave me a apologetic look; like she was saying, "Sorry, they got away from me."

I smiled at the nadder and watched her fly out of the cave, babies following close behind. Star Gazer gave an annoyed grunt before looking at me, wanting me to do something about it.

"What can you expect?" I asked the Star Fury, "You know how babies are, they don't listen to anyone."

Star Gazer grumbled irritably and turned away. I smiled and shook my head before jumping down from the loft and got ready for the day. After quickly getting something in my stomach, I started packing for the journey to Dragons Edge. I didn't know what to expect or how long I would be away, so I made sure to pack anything I might need. After about half an hour, I was almost ready to go.

"Hold up girl." I told Star Gazer, who was waiting eagerly by the cave exit, "I wanna go talk to Regina before we leave."

I attached my bag to Star Gazer's saddle and jumped onto her back. After I was seated, Star Gazer jumped out the cave entrance and started flying down towards the bottom of the volcano. 

Right before hitting the lava, Star Gazer pulled up and flew along the surface before landing on a nearby ledge. Opposite of the ledge, there was a humongous archway leading into a large, pitch black cave. 

For a moment, everything was quiet except for the sound of lava steering. Then suddenly, there was a loud growl and the ground started shaking, causing lava geysers to shoot into the air. Slowly a large dragon head covered in large crystals emerged from the cave entrance. 

Over the years, I've been learning about the Crystal Crasher and have given her the name Regina. We've  earned each other's respect over the years, and she even helps me in battle sometimes. (Regina is Queen in Latin. I'll try and remember to give the translations to things but if I forget, there is a 90% chance it's in Latin so you can just look it up on google translate) 

Both me and Star Gazer bowed to the dragon queen before I spoke, "I've learned there are other dragon riders, and I'm leaving to see if I can start an alley ship with them. I'll try not to be gone too long, but it will be a few days." I explained to Regina.

For some reason, whenever I talked to Regina, I would get a growl or nod or something in response, like she could understand me. I've tried to figure it out, but I couldn't find anything, so I've just left it alone. 

I expected the crystal crasher to nod, showing she understood, just like normal. But instead, she reached out her large claw until it was above my head. It was about the size of me and Star Gazer combined, and was closed around something. Slowly Regina opened her claw and something fell out. I quickly caught the object and found it was a horn, made from the same blue crystals as Regina's scales.

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