Chapter 1

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Nandini's pov

Growing up I was always he girl who saw these celebrities as god, I would stay up all night stalking them, who their significant others were, their past partner, I would even watch their interviews on repeat like every single day and still not get tired of watching them

I was that girl who would giggle and gush over little things a celebrity crush would do, oh my god I remember having a crush on mhm Leonardo DiCaprio and when I tell you I watched his movies likes every day and I would think about these little scenarios before sleeping, yeah I'm crazy

Then I came out of that fancy little world in my head when my parents passed away in an accident and I was left all alone with my chacha chachi who are amazing and sweet but I miss my parents so much.

I think a part of getting over these celebrity crushes was also the fact that I now know what behind the scenes are like. Working inside the industry gives a lot away, like how annoying it is to be famous and how you get absolutely no privacy at all.

I was 21 when I got hired at Great Times in Mumbai, it's a publishing company, so we publish stories about celebrities, social media campaigns, interviews, and all of that.

I am now 24 and having such a blast working here, it's so much fun to be reading into celebrities lives but we make sure we don't put any rumours down, the company is completely based on truth and we pride ourselves on that.

"Nandini do you have the shot on this new kid" I hear my best friend navya

"Mhm which kid?" I ask

"This manik malhotra" she says

The second she says that name, I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Remember when I said I used to have crushes, ya, I lied. I have this massive and when I say massive I mean I wanna marry this man, massive crush on this celebrity. He is a singer, he has been singing for quite some time but he just gained this recognition like a year ago

We are currently trying to set up an interview with him becasue he is the next hot shot, the man is so beautiful. Like I swear to god, I have never seen a more beautiful human specimen. He is perfect, perfect, absolutely perfect

"Dream about him later, focus" she says bringing me out of manik land

"Yes what?"

"The shot for the paper nandini"

"Right, yes I do. I did a overview of his life and how he has gained recognition and stuff"

"Okay sounds good, I have emailed his team about that interview"

"He got back to you" I ask giggling

"Yes he did, god, can you be less obvious, jeez it's like kid high on sugar" she mumbles making em pout

"Navya stop it, im not interested in him"


"Yes you are"



"Is that why you literally forget the world when you see a picture of him?"

'Shut up" I yell at her before getting back to my work

By work, I meant manik, yes I was still perfecting the shot and like what picture to put in the papers and everything, but it's work right, yup.

God he is so handsome and tall and gosh

"Nandini you are drooling"

I jump up wiping my mouth but realizing there is nothing on my face I glare at Cabir, who had just walked in the cabin

"And you are an asshole" I say

He laughs going to hug navya, who is his girlfriend.

Navya and Cabir met at a conference and the two fell in love and blah blah blah. He is an actor but so humble and sweet, literally treats me like a kid, I feel like they are married and im the child they have

"Why don't you just let me call him for you, I can get his number" Cabir says

"No, because creepy, also becasue no eww"

"Eww? You practically breakout into stress rashes every time I tell you he goes to the same gym as me"

"stop, it's not that"

"Nandini he is a nice dude"

"Ahhh stop it" I yell throwing my pen at him

"Hahaha you are so cute" he laughs

"I am going home" I say wrapping up my stuff

"He is free to give an interview tomorrow and"

"I can get the line of question ready"

"I want you to do it" she says

"Oh hell no, nope, not going to happen"

"You realize I am your boss right" she asks making me groan

She is my boss, this firm is her fathers but she takes care of everything so yes she is my boss and I hate her right now

"Fire me" I challenge

"You are fired" she yells

"Ill see you tom, ill make sure veebha or alia can do the interview, bye love birds" I yell before walking, no running out of the firm

Even the thought of him makes me puke, well not in a bad way, in a nervous way, literally there are times I look at his previous interviews and I have to shut my laptop because I'm too overwhelmed

He has these beautiful eyes but they never shine like they should, i mean the guys is rich, he has friends, family, shut everything but his eyes are still so dull

Getting home I showered and started writing up some questions that could be used for Manik's interview tomorrow but I swear the number of times I wanted to ask if he was single and if he wanted me was crazyyyy

My phone rings and as much as I hate fake bitches like veebha and alia, I needed them to interview him because if I even come close to this man, I will puke in nervousness.

"Hello" I mumble

"Where is the interview tom" veebha asks

"I think he wants it in his trailer, I can send you the address, he has"

"Fine" she says cutting the phone

"She is such a bitch" I mumble to myself

She makes me wanna pull my hair follicles out one by one, gosh and the fact that guys in this industry like her, ya beyond me

Once the line of questions were done, I laid on my stomach just going through some of manik's previous work, his songs are addicting but there is pain in them.

It was so weird to hear some of his stuff and know that these questions I have written are going to be answered by him tomorrow and I will have to be there behind the scenes but I will have to be there

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