Chapter 26

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I pack up last minute things and place my bag in the car beside nandini's bags. I had loaded the car up with snacks, mostly the ones nandini loves and some healthy ones because this girl and her blood sugar

"I am wearing your shirt" she screams from my room

"Go ahead" I reply though she wasn't asking for permission and she doesn't need it anyways

A couple minutes alter she comes down in shorts that weren't really visible because the white shirt of mine she was wearing was covering them. She had both our chargers and phone in her hands along with a bag, her stupid bag of candy she found I'm assuming

"Fine a better place than your closet to hide my candy" she mumbles kissing my arm

"nandini it's so unhealthy and your sugar will spike" I say

"I will have it in moderations promise" she says

Her innocent beautiful eyes make me melt so just nod kissing her lips

"Come on, lets head out" I whisper

She nods walking to betsy, I opened the door for her and mumbling a soft thank you she gets inside. I got inside as well and I could tell she was thinking

"Hey buckle up baby" I whisper

She nods putting the belt on, she places both our phones in the console.

A silence follows in the car until we get on the highway, when I actually had enough and I knew she won't bring it up so I grabbed her hand

her head turns to me as I glance over at her but not too long, keeping my focus on the road

"What's going on?" I ask

"Manik mhm I was wondering something" I hum asking her to continue

"Do you not like me physically?" She asks making me frown a little

"Im not sure what you mean or why this question has irked your head" I mumble glancing over at her to see frowns on her forehead too

"Well I just, I have never really done much or actually anything you know like sexually and physically" she was hesitating so much

"Nandini what are you talking about?" I ask

she pulls her hands back from me and was starting to fidget a bit with her fingers like she does she is nervous

Knowing she isn't going to talk right at this moment because I was driving, I continue to drive until I saw the McDonald sign, pulling over in the parking lot I park the car and look over

"You hungry?" She asks

"No, we need to talk and you won't talk until I'm paying 100% attention" I tell her

"Its fine we can talk later" she says smiling at me, a fake smile

"Nandini I hate when you are faking a smile at me, it's annoying. just tell me what's going on?" I ask turning to her a little

"I know you have had a couple partners before but I haven't had any. I feel like you pull back from me because I am not experienced at all and I know that but I promise you I want to do things with you and"


"No I know that you think I don't know but I just mhm Manik I don't know how to explain it. I hate that you pulled away from me because we need to wait, if I am not doing something right please just tell me so I can improve" she looked so sad

"Okay I understand what you are saying but Nandini it wasn't because I think you are inexperienced" caressing her hand I look in her eyes because I know she recognizes the truth in my eyes always

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