Only the beginning

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I can hear the sirens, they're burning up my ear drums, all I can think about is finding Jasmine.
"JASMINE!!" I call out, where can she be. She could've of gone with Simon and Peter, but I can't risk it.
I walk down the stairs and can just see people, some alive, some dead, the alive ones are mourning the dead ones, how can this be happening?

I run past a door but quickly stop, I look in, I need that. I run in and pick it up. "Yes" I whisper to myself, no one can know I have this. I run back through into the corridor and continue my run.
"Jasmine, where are you, Jasmine?" I say to myself.
I can see the doors now, but I don't have Jasmine. I run past room after room but there's no site of her. I'm going to have to hope she's with the other guys. I'm getting closer to the doors, argh, I have to get out of here.

But suddenly, I felt something touch my leg and pull me into the last room, it was Jasmine!!
"Jasmine, what are you doing still in here?" I ask her.
"Come on Blaize
, you know me, I'd never leave my best friend!" She smiles at me, and I smile back, she waited for me.
"Jasmine, we have to get out of here. This place is going to go down soon!" I tell her.
"I know, let's go!" She stands up and holds out her hand. "Come on,"
I take her hand.

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