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I woke up and checked my watch, it was 9.00am, Jasmine wasn't where she went to sleep and neither was Gareth, I got up and walked into the main room, I could see them sitting down talking, I walked over and sat down next to Jasmine. "Good morning" I said to them and they both replied with the same.

"We were just talking about what research you guys are doing, it sounds pretty interesting" Gareth told me.
"Yeah, it is pretty cool" I replied.
"Okay, I'm going to go out, see if I can find any food, would you like to come with me?" Gareth asked me.
"Sure. That would be great" Jasmine replied.
"Ok, let's go" Gareth pulled on a jumper and stood up. Me and Jasmine stand up and follow Gareth.

We step outside into the deserted streets of London, every car is abandoned and every house is people less. We quietly walk into a back alley and walk in a straight line, I make sure Jasmine is in between me and Gareth. Gareth turns round a corner and quickly puts his back against the wall.
"What is it?" I ask him. He tells me to shh and peeks his head around the corner again. "G.E.A.R, they're here" he whispered.
"What do we do?" Asked Jasmine. I put my hand on her shoulder "We need to get out of here, I'm not risking it" I replied. Gareth nodded "He's right, we need to go now!"

He ran from out of the alley and to the other side of the road where there was an old building, shots were fired at him but none got him. "Jasmine, you need to run. As fast as you can, run to Gareth, you can do it. I believe in you" I kiss her on the head and give her a hug.
She starts her run and I look round the corner to see they have seen her, I start to run before she got to the other side, my plan worked, I diverted there attention to me and they left Jasmine alone, I make it to the other side and I know that members of G.E.A.R are going to be chasing us, so we start to run. We run as far and as fast as we can through the house and out the other side. We quickly jump over the back garden fence and out into the next road.
"Okay, there's a shop down that way and a shop down the other way, should we split up?" Gareth asked.
"No, they'll pick us off one by one" I replied. Jasmine took hold of my hand, "Are we going to find Sid and Peter soon?" She asked me.
"We'll find them, don't worry" I reassured her, she clenched my hand tighter. I could tell she was scared, so was I, where was we going to go now? How are we going to find the other two? All of these questions and I had no answers.

We decided to go into the heart of London, we saw loads of amazing places. We reached a shop and went in, there was no one there, we took some food and things we might need, e.g scissors, sellotape and we also found a bandage for Jasmines arm. We went to the shop next door and found some backpacks, we put all of our things in them and set off again, if we were going to walk around London during a terrorist attack, then we were going to do it carefully.
Wherever we turned we could see no one, we even made it to Trafalgar Square. All of the lions were ruined, they were crumbled and had been blown to bits, we saw a few men and cautiously made our way to the Mall.

Now, I know what you're thinking 'you went to the mall' not that mall, the one that leads to Buckingham Palace, we carefully made our way down it, I thought it was hard when walking normally, but doing it in stealth mode it's hard.

When we eventually made it to the end after hiding behind about 50 cars, I could see some men, at least 30, they were wearing full black body suits, they were tall and had weapons of all sorts; guns, knifes, grenades and some even had machetes! We could see them all standing in a line facing the palace, then, from the left hand side I saw another man in a black suit holding a man by his collar and taking him into the centre of front of the palace, I knew what this was, this was execution.
"Blaize, what's going on?" Jasmine asked me. I held her hand, "I think they're going to execute that man" I replied. Jasmine started crying, I cuddled her in my arms and told her everything's going to be okay, I didn't know for certain but I hoped it would.
I cradled her, and then we heard it, the gunshot, I looked over the car and saw the man laying still on the floor, he was dead. They killed him, why were hey doing this. I hugged Jasmine as tightly as I could. She looked up at me, tears still rolling down her cheek "Is that going to happen to us?" She asked me. I shook my head "No, I will never let anything ever happen to you, I promise"

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