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BOOM!! The building fell to the ground, bits going everywhere, I could still see people running, some making it to cover, but some, some weren't fast enough.

"Everything, it's gone!" I heard Jasmine say from behind me. She was sitting with her back up against and upturned car, she was holding her arm.

"Are you ok?" I asked her walking over to her.

"Yeah, it's nothing, I'm fine" she replied looking at the ground.

"Are you sure?" I asked her again, sitting down next to her.

"Yeah, just. When I ran from the library, I tripped on something and hurt my arm, but it's okay" she looked at me and smiled.

I put my hand on her shoulder "We're going to be ok, we need to find Sid and Peter, but first we need to find some shelter for the night. You ok to go?" I asked her. She nodded in reply.

I stood up and helped her stand up, we slowly walked away from the collapsed building.

All of a sudden we heard a loud crash. We looked round and could see the window of a shop had been broken. We saw to men walking around inside and then saw a third drive round in a 4x4. The other two men loaded the car with all sorts of things; TV's, laptops, clothes, game consoles and more.

"We've got to get out of here!" I whispered to Jasmine "it's too dangerous" she nodded to me and we started walking faster.

I knew there was something wrong with her arm, I wasn't sure if it was a brake, fracture or dislocation, whatever it was, we needed help. I stabilised her as we walked, I pointed to a side alley, we went to walk down there but stopped immediately, there was two men with their backs to us, there was another man on the floor in front of them,

"Where is it?!" One of them shouted at the man on the floor, "I don't know. Honestly!" The man on the floor replied. The other man kicked him in the ribs. "Stupid old man" the two men turned round so me and Jasmine quickly hid in a crevice, the men didn't notice us and walked straight past us. Once they were gone we stepped out of the crevice and saw the man standing up and brushing himself down. "Excuse me sir, are you ok?" I asked him. He swing round to face me and Jasmine. "Oh, yes I'm quite alright, what are you two youngsters doing out here at this time?" He asked us.

"We was in N.W.E.F" Jasmine replied.

"What were you two doing in there?" He asked again. This time I stepped up, "We were researching N.P in explosives" I replied.

"Oh, ok. Do you know what happened there?" He asked us.

"Yes" I replied "there was a huge breakthrough yesterday and it got into the rest of the world, before anyone could do anything it got through to G.E.A.R and today they attacked us, trying to get what we figured out"

"Oh. That's terrible. Oh, let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Gareth Hofflester, you two are?" He asked.

"I'm Blaize and this is Jasmine" he shook our hands "we are practice students, well, was. Did I hear you say you were a Doctor?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Well, Jasmine hurt her hand trying to get out of the building, can you check it please?" I asked, showing Gareth Jasmine's arm.

He looked at it and felt it, "Ok Jasmine, can you tell me if this hurts?" He puts pressure on a certain part of her arm, Jasmine shook her head, he then felt and put pressure on the lower part of the arm, "Ow!" she said. Gareth stood up, "It looks to me as a fracture, just a fracture, but you should find something to wrap around it to keep it stable. By the way, do you guys have a place to stay for the night?" He asked, We both shook our heads, "Ok, come with me, I know a place where you can stay for the night"

"Thank you" I said and we started walking out of the alley and away from the building.

We got to a building, it was quite old, it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a while,

"It's a bit rough, but it's ok to sleep in" Gareth said to us and we walked in.

There were a few sofas and we all sat down on them, "Dr, why is everything so deserted already?" I asked.

"People have heard about what's happened, also what people are doing, they think they've been smart by leaving the main towns and cities, but G.E.A.R aren't stupid, they know what people are doing, they know all the rich people have taken their riches with them to lower towns, so they're targeting the small towns as well as the big towns, no where is safe" Dr Gareth answered.

"I want to go to sleep" Jasmine told us, we said okay and Gareth showed her somewhere to sleep, when he came back to the sofa there was something I had to ask him "What are we going to do? Will we be safe? I need to keep her safe, I've known her for my whole life, we both were only children and lost our parents to G.E.A.R. I was there when her parents died, she doesn't know, but I promised them both that I'd take care of her for them, I swore I would put her life in front of mine" I said.

"Honestly Blaize, I don't know if we'll be safe, I don't know what we are going to do, but I understand your promise to her parents and I'll help you protect her" he replied.

"Ok, I'm going to turn in for the night, goodnight Gareth" I said.

"Goodnight Blaize" he replied.

I walked into the sleeping room and fell asleep into my deep dreams.

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