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He hopes Kacchan won't be that mad if he ever finds out he is the one who put them here. Who is he kidding, of course he would be mad! He wouldn't even blame him. He just won't tell him. That was the thoughts running through his head the moment he got home after work, months after graduation years ago. 

He could feel Kacchan pulling away. They were both so busy with their new lives, new jobs, new everything. It's not Kacchans fault that the two of them were not getting time to hang out like they used to. But still, that don't dull the ache in his heart.

 Kacchan has always been a constant in his life, and he would be damned if that stopped now.

So what if he signed them both up for a program that would send them both away to some new developed home to start their lives again?

The whole program looked and sounded real, with meetings, professional workers that answered any questions that Izuku had while filling out the paperwork, all of it.

It wasn't hard getting all of Kacchans information to have him registered and taken with him, he knows everything about him after all! Even the various passwords he uses for his accounts. He knew it was a horrible, despicable, disgusting thing to do.

If anyone ever found out (Especially Kacchan) he would be finished. But the program promised that no one would ever look for them, or at least be able to. That was one of the things that got him sold. He didn't even wait to set everything up. 

Of course, doing everything like selling his house, crashing at Ochako's place with some type of believable reason, transferring his paychecks to his moms account, and everything else takes a lot of time! He felt bad that he had to continue to cancel or cut hang outs with Kacchan shorter than usual, but it would all be worth it!

And he was right.

He knew he was right the moment he opened his eyes and was met with the scene of a generic bedroom and the heat of Kacchan's body next to him.

The only problem was that Kacchan, under any circumstances, couldn't find out what he did.

So he put on an act.

He throws the vase and it shatters, barely missing Kacchans head. He admits, it seems a little extreme, but maybe that's how someone in his situation would react if they didnt put themselves in it to begin with.

Kacchans eyes are slightly blown, but he looks pretty calm compared to Izuku. He puts his hands up in a non-threatening way and takes a step towards him.

"Deku, calm the fuck down, okay? Take a deep breath-"

See? It's already working! Kacchan and him are already bonding like back then, even if it's not exactly how he imagined it.

Tears spring into his eyes because he is just so happy he can't help it, but he turns away and walks out of the room.

"How can I calm down Kacchan?! One second, I'm sleeping, planning to get ready for work-" Not exactly a lie, "And now I'm here!" 

Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now