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He uses the pretense of 'needing to calm the hell down' to clean around the house and set shit up. The program has scheduled packages sent to the house, planned out in some elaborate color-coded calendar right next to the fridge. 

Different colors for different shit, and he is relieved that the program workers or whatever the hell they are don't show up at all. They disappear the moment the packages are dropped off, and the two of them never see them. 

If they did, Katsuki doesn't know what he would do if Deku started to plan trying to talk to them to get help. The whole point of this shit is that they only have each other and all of the money he spent will sure as hell keep it that way. He makes dinner in the clean, perfect kitchen. 

It's his dream one, with everything he would ever want in it. The fridge and pantry are completely stocked, so there isn't anything to worry about. Deku hasn't moved from the dinner table ever since Katsuki brought up making food, which is concerning, but not strange. 

Deku has been wandering around like a zombie whenever they aren't trying to figure out how to leave. He plates everything and walks into the dining room. Deku is sitting there with a blank look on his face, his eyes sharp and focused. 

"Deku, dinners done."

The nerd snaps up, looking at him and then the food he sets down in front of him. He sits at the chair next to him with his own food. 

"Thanks, Kacchan, it looks amazing!" 

He hums and revels in the praise as he takes his first bite. He watches Deku's expression in the corner of his eye, his heart swelling every time Deku pauses to savor a bite. 

"It's so good!" 

They continue to eat, and Katsuki feels at ease, more than he has in a while. He wouldn't mind if the rest of dinner played out with just them eating in silence, but the nerd breaks it after a while. 

"Um... Kacchan, I've been thinking about something for a while and I want to tell you, but..." 

He looks back at him, his heart slamming against his chest. Deku puts his fork down and meets his eyes. It still surprises him how Deku only got more built over the years, even more so after they graduated high school. He wants to touch the skin under his shirt and dig his nails into it. 

He wants to get him to stay. What if Deku is going to say how he knows Katsuki signed them up for this? What if he tells him he actually found a way out of here? What will he do? He grips the fork in his hand tighter. 

"You have to promise you won't get mad." 

He nods, his mouth shut. Izuku just looks at him, his eyes betraying him and showing nervousness and uncertainty. 

"Kacchan, you have to say it." 

He lets out a frustrated huff and feels the cold metal of the fork beginning to warm from his own heat. 

"I promise I won't get mad, now spit it the fuck out Deku." 

Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now