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Kacchans eyes never leave him, which makes him feel happy but even more nervous. He has been waiting to say this for weeks, but the thought of messing up has kept him from saying anything. 

If he isn't right about the timing, then kacchan would call him crazy and they would fight, and he doesn't want that to happen so early on, not when they have their whole lives to spend together. Kacchans eyes are so intense, he can stare at them forever, for as long as the blonde would let him. 

"I... I really don't think where we are is that bad. N-Now that I've had time to think about it, we have everything we need here... My mom won't worry about me that much since she is taken care of and Ochako and all of our friends will probably be okay without us..." 

He looks away to look down at his hands in his lap. His heart feels like it's in his throat, trying to claw its way out and plop itself onto the table and beg Kacchan to understand, to feel the same way he does. 

Suddenly, every old scar on his hand looks like the most interesting thing he has seen in his life. Kacchan doesn't say anything, and he doesn't want to look up and see his face. 

"Is... Is that crazy?" 

His words barely come out of his mouth, and he curses himself for it. He is about to clear his throat to get rid of the lump starting to form and brush this whole thing off as a moment of fear. His soul nearly jumps out of his body when he hears Kacchan stand up from his chair and walk over to him. 

His skin nearly melts when he feels his rough hand on his shoulder. He looks up at him, and he doesn't have that confused, angry expression that he thought he would have. Instead, he looks calm, understanding, and it does something to his heart. 

He never thought Kacchan would make a face like that, let alone directed towards him. He is so happy that ever since high school, Kacchan has been more comfortable with him, letting him see small parts of himself that he keeps tucked away under his anger and fiery determination. 

Now, he shines even more, just for him


His name in his voice is what he could listen to for hours, he would do anything just to hear it over and over. 

"It's not crazy." 

Izuku takes in every detail, from the scar peeking from over the neckline of his shirt, to the defined muscles of his arms and then back to the red eyes he's known since childhood. His heart skips a beat. 

"I-It's not?" 

Kacchan shakes his head, and bends slightly, now kneeling down on the floor in front of him. A jolt of electricity shoots up Izuku's spine at the feeling of his hand brushing down his arm and onto his lap. 

Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now