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He doesn't get to look at the house since most of his focus needs to be on Deku and on trying to calm him down. It's not like he needs it though, he remembers the pictures well enough. All of the rooms only have the basic shit, white everything, white towels in the bathroom, white blankets in the bedroom, white wooden table. 

He remembers spending a shit ton of money on the gym package, making it a room right next to the garage (Like hell he would let his hard work go to waste) Though he didn't bother adding anything else. 

Before Deku can pick up another vase to throw, because there seems to be a thousand of those motherfuckers, he grabs his wrist. The heat from his skin sends a jolt up his spine, but he wills himself to stay on track. He looks into those green eyes that he has missed so fucking much. 

Clearly much more than he realized, because his heart throbs just looking at them. Even with tears streaming down his face and that panicked look, he still looks so- Focus.

"Izuku, calm down so we can figure this shit out. We aren't going to get anywhere like this." 

Izuku stares at him with glassy eyes filled with unshed tears, and he sniffs. 

"B-But how are you so calm Kacchan?" 

Shit. He should be freaking the fuck out too, even more so. Punching a wall, anything. But really, he can't feel anything but giddy. Because Deku is in front of him. Deku is talking to him and not rushing off. Deku has nowhere to go but to him, and it feels fucking freeing

He grasps for some type of response. 

"Shitty hair and the extras force me to go to those escape room things. I've done this shit before." 

There is a silence that lasts a couple of seconds, Deku just staring at him with confusion, tears still in his eyes. 

"What? They kidnap you too?" 

Katsuki nods. 

"Yeah. People take that shit seriously Deku, maybe it's one of those." 

"Really? Are you sure?" 

Katsuki doesn't miss the hint of hope in his eyes, and damnit, he fucking loves it. 

"Of course I'm fucking sure! I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't!" 

Deku slowly nods, and he loosens his grip on his wrist to let him wipe his eyes. He looks back at him and gives him a small smile. 

"Of course. You're always right Kacchan! Sorry I lost it for a second." 

Back again is the determination in his eyes, the fire that shines in them. Katsuki soaks it in for a moment. 

"Let's figure this out and go home!" 

He wants to tell him that they are already home, that there is no need to go anywhere else, but he refrains from it. 

"I'm already ahead of you nerd." 

He points behind him, where the front door waits. He knows what's behind it, and he knows what Deku will find as he happily runs to it, swinging it open. 

"Nice... thinking..." 

Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now