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Deku's bed head is so fucking cute, he can't help but put his hand in his curls when he's close enough. He gets a smile in return, and he looks where the nerd is pointing. His eyes land on the yellow line for tomorrow. 

"I have no idea what this color means, and I'm trying to figure it out..." 

He looks back down at him only to find his attention back on the fridge. He scowls slightly and moves his hand to ruffle Deku's curls. 

"Who gives a shit about that nerd. Aren't you hungry? Go do something while I'm in here." 

He finally has his eyes back on him. They shine in the morning light, and he wants to stare at every single freckle and scar on his face. 

"But aren't you curious about what this color means, Kacchan? What if it's something important? It would be better if we know what every color means, so we're prepared." 

That annoyance comes back tenfold, and his hand involuntarily twitches. 

"We already agreed to stay here, what the fuck do we need to be prepared for." 

Izuku stares at him for a second too long, before he turns away. 


Izuku gets that glossed over look in his eyes, deep in thought. Not focusing on Katsuki, who is right in fucking front of him. Deku steps away, a smile on his face. He lets his hand drop back to his side. 

"I'm going to go see if any of our clothes have been delivered yet." 

He watches as he leaves the kitchen and watches through the window as he walks to the mailbox in the front yard. He knows he can't go anywhere, even if he wanted to, but he can't help but feel the need to watch him. Why the fuck does he feel so... anxious? 

He shouldn't, Deku has always been observant, and he likes to know shit, so it's not surprising that he's questioning stuff. Deku's back faces him as he squats down to look at the neat pile of boxes. Is it too soon to bring the brat here? 

He only ever heard Deku mention kids back in high school, that could have changed over the years... 

"My plans for the future? Um, I have no idea! I guess... get a nice place, a nice job, and maybe have a kid or two. What about you Kacchan?"

Fuck, he should have put the date later ahead, five more months at least, but when he saw it in the many other bullshit packages the program offered, his mind turned blank, and he just bought it.

He bought a kid.

A fucking baby.

He doesn't know how the fuck they do it, but the program insisted that the baby would have both of the parents DNA, regardless of if they're both men. It creeped him the hell out at first, but then the worker he was connected with urged him to come and see how happy all of the people were with their brats.

And fuck, he didn't need to be convinced anymore. 

Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now