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It's just like what he saw in the pictures. The front lawn is perfectly cut, and the white fence has no part of it unpainted. Even the houses around them are perfect, all of them the same. That will change though, once they get all of their things, Kacchan and him can work on making their house feel like home. 

There is no one around them at the moment, he knows because he paid for it to be that way. He couldn't permanently keep the program from putting people in the houses, but he could keep them away for as long as possible. 

He can't have anyone messing with the life he is trying to build with Kacchan before it has even begun. His head is already spinning with the possibilities of what they could do. Maybe put a ton of flowers in the front along the sidewalk, some type that Kacchan would want to look at in the mornings! 

They could even get trees for shade, anything that Kacchan wants he wants it too. He feels his presence behind him, and he turns around. He feels his smile fall and he hears the slight shake in his voice. 

"Kacchan... This doesn't look like an escape room." 

His red eyes are looking at the houses, the yard, all of it. Izuku watches every movement closely, the crinkle in his eyes, the sneer on his face, and the growing realization that they aren't getting out of this easily. Why would Izuku ever want that? 

It hurts that he is causing Kacchan to feel so negatively, but that feeling will go away soon, he just knows it. Once he sees how good their life will be, the two of them will be smiling and laughing about this! 

"What the fuck." 

Kacchan shoves past him to walk quickly onto the sidewalk. He looks around frantically, before storming through the gate and walking down to the next house. Izuku watches from the door, his heart beating out of his chest. He doesn't need to fake the fear in his voice this time. 

"K-Kacchan, where are you going?!" 

He doesn't turn around as he yells back, already in the yard of the next house. 

"To find a way out of this hell hole! You stay there Deku!" 

He watches as Kacchan slams open the door and walks into the next house; his feet rooted to the ground. This is normal, Kacchan is going through the normal feelings. He is going to stop looking, to stop trying to find a way out eventually.

 And when that dread comes to crush him, Izuku will be there to help him through it all. He just needs to be patient.

That's what he thought two months ago.

But of course, Kacchan wouldn't be kacchan if he wasn't so determined.

They both have come up with thousands of plans to get out of here, to find a way out. None of them have worked. Luckily, with every failed plan, the two of them are starting to adjust. He can wait until Kacchan finally accepts their new life together. 

Random Yandere One shots Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now